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  1. #1
    toolman is offline Banned
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    GH questions from an older juicer

    Although I have plenty of experience with gear, I have never used GH before. I am 39, 215, 6'3". Getting older and still lifting heavy, my tendons and ligaments arent what they used to be, etc.

    I plan on running Jintropin 2 ius 5/2 for six months. First I would like to hear some input from those that prefer to run 4 iu's or those that think 2 iu's are enough. After the first 3 months, I will run a cycle while on the GH. Should I wait to start the GH and run it when I start the cycle, or is it OK to run it before and during the cycle.

    I know GH does not fall under the same classification legally as steroids do, so do I still have to take all the precautions while ordering or will customs stop this if they find it as well.


  2. #2
    ctemkg is offline New Member
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    Smile HGH Dose Timing

    Red Baron, taking 4ius daily, when do you take them? Is it better to split it into 2 doses or take it all at one time? Should it be taken outside of 1 hour of eating?

  3. #3
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    there is much speculation over when GH shots should be administered. Some people say at night, which is totally unlogical, as it would interrupt your natural GH secretion during sleep.

    A general rule of thumb that is known to work is split up the dose into 2 shots, the first being around 8 am and then 2pm!

  4. #4
    toolman is offline Banned
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    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    That is when I take them. When I first wake up I take 2IU's, then again early afternoon (about 2pm). I wouldn't worry too much about where meals fall in relation. For me it probably does work out to about an hour out, but that is just because of my routine.

    Best of luck to you.
    Thanks for the comments RB. Can you tell me if it is OK to just use the sterile water that comes with the kit or do I have to add anything to that. I am getting conflicting opinions that if I use the water, it will only last 24 hrs even in the fridge. Can that be true as I can't see the manufacturer believing that a 10 iu vile would be used in 24hrs.

  5. #5
    ctemkg is offline New Member
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    Jul 2004

    HGH Injection Sites

    Well, I should have included this question in my earlier post...

    If I am injecting 2x a day, where should I be injecting? Right now I am using the abdomen area, switching sides, places from just below the belly button to further toward the sides. Should I be doing other sites as well (thighs, other areas)? I am concerned about getting GH gut or is that not a real thing?

    As far as any fat I have, most of it is located in the abdomen area.

    Last edited by ctemkg; 09-26-2004 at 02:28 PM.

  6. #6
    ctemkg is offline New Member
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    Jul 2004

    Injection Diagram

    Thanks for the information. When you find that diagram, please let me know. It would be helpful.


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