Thread: Diet (GH/D-Bol/Slin (humalog))
02-02-2005, 02:57 PM #1
Diet (GH/D-Bol/Slin (humalog))
I set up a diet to use while on a Insulin & GH (4iu) & D-bol (30mg) Cycle wanted to post it see what u think. Take a look before reading any further or u wont understand some of the questions!
1) Can I inject GH and Insulin (Humalog) in the same syringe?
2) If I inject Sub-C will that change my diet schedule?, bcs I know using slin sub-c slows it down a bit.
3) I know that I only have 2 Solid meals a day and the rest are Shakes but before I learned about the finer points of dieting I used to eat 1 maybe 2 meals a day so I think I can get away with it especially with all the shakes.
What do you guys think?
4) I am going to be using insulin 5 days a week starting at 4iu and working my way up to 20iu (10iu Morning and 10iu PWO) if I can get there without going Hypo ( I will have Glucose Tabs with me at all times just in case)
I think thats it... if theres anything else I will come back... thanks bros.
Oh yeah and I know about the 10g carb per iu Slin but its a premade thing with 75g so I will have to deal with a few extra carbs for the first couple days or cut down the shake a bit.
02-02-2005, 03:19 PM #2
02-02-2005, 03:40 PM #3
Why are you using DBOL to diet????
02-02-2005, 04:36 PM #4
Exactly what I was thinking.
02-02-2005, 10:41 PM #5Junior Member
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Where's the food?
02-03-2005, 06:55 AM #6Originally Posted by buylongterm
02-03-2005, 06:59 AM #7Originally Posted by Xe0n
2 solid meals a day
3 Shakes
1 Weight Gainer (To add that extra 1000cals I need)
By the way can anyone answer any of my questions... I really wanna try and figure these out, I researched them but I couldnt find most of the answers or they werent clear.
02-03-2005, 07:11 AM #8
how long do u want to cycle? hgh should be at least 3 month, better 6. u dont want to take 3 month or longer d-bols, do u? so get some test.
btw a diet consisting of 2 meals and the rest of shakes is ****.
02-03-2005, 07:23 AM #9Originally Posted by ***xxx***
Im not doing D-Bol 4 months straight dont worry bro im going for like 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off I think.
yeah the reason I didnt get Test and I dont want to is I wanna give my muscles a break and I will be injecting the Slin/GH Sub-C.
im going for 4 months... if I could get the cash I will prolly extend it... right now im going 4iu/day 7days a week.
and about the diet I dont think it would be that bad normal diets have 3 meals a day with shakes. my diet has 2 meals a day, a weight gainer and shakes... not that much difference I traded up a meal for a weight gainer. Not uncommon.
02-03-2005, 07:56 AM #10
well, ok, may be it s just me. I eat 6 meals a day and only take one shake for the night...
02-03-2005, 08:29 AM #11
Run the GH 5 on 2 off to start I would start off at 2 IUs a day and work up to 4, as you will probably bloat nicely using 4IU right away. Drop the dbol and get some test prop. Otherwise I don't think you will be pleased with your cycle.
02-04-2005, 02:26 AM #12Junior Member
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Ok, if 2 meals a day works for you I guess I cannot argue...
I'm not 100% sure about gh and slin in the same syringe, however if I remember correctly I'm pretty sure I've read that you should spread them out.
Replace dbol for test, if you are sick of shooting just do enanthate once/twice a week with arimidex /femara for bloat, or, if you like bloat, as you said you liked dbol, then just let it run... prop is the better suggestion here, however it will cost you more (at least in my circles) and you'll be shooting eod at least...
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