03-07-2005, 12:52 PM #1
Subc Pgf2-a.... for site fat loss?
I was reading on another board and this guy was talking about taking Pgf2-a and used dmso as a carrier and applied it topically...
here is the quote-
"you rub a little bit in the palm of your hand then spread on the area you want to lose weight, you can use this twice a day, the dmso is the carrier and it takes the pgf-2a into the fat, the pgf-2a turns the mature fat cells into imature fat cells, the imature fat cells cannot store fat so the fat is released into the blood steam and by excercisng you burn off that fat, after applying you may get a bit of an itch, if you do use some aloe vera cream to cure the itch, if you get a slight tigthness in your chest and maybe a small cough that lasts just for a moment it is a good sign you have applied enough"
"Mature adipose cells only shrink in size in response to restricted caloric intake or increased metabolic demand. Before now the only method of reducing the number of fat cells was liposuction. It now appears that Pgf-2a applied topically can have the same same effecst as diet and liposuction. Pgf-2a can reduce the size of mature adipocytes and the number of mature adipocytes through negative modulation and reversing the process of differentiation
There are no studies on topical application. DMSO does carry PGF-2a through the dermal layers and the low concentration spread over a large area is ideal for the intended purpose. One cannot spread PGf-2a (or anyother substance) over the surface area that one can with DMSO topical application. The idea being that you need to interact as many molecules of PGF-2a with as many mature fat cells as possible. The biggest asset to DMSO as a carrier is the ability to spread the PGF-2a applicatiion over a large surface area, thereby maximising the interactuion of the number PGF-2a molucules with the maximum number of fat cells. This is where the DMOS method really shines. QFS is not masking the smell of the DMSO. It is not that bad and goes away in about 5 minutes."
I thought this was interesting to say the least. I think a member here is going to try the topical....
But my main point was to see if you could and what would happen if it was shot subc? Wonder if it would be much better than using the dmso....?
03-07-2005, 01:20 PM #2Associate Member
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i'm also curious as to this, there isn't much info on injecting into fat, most people use it for musce site enhancment
03-07-2005, 01:25 PM #3Originally Posted by rontg
03-07-2005, 01:33 PM #4Associate Member
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Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
03-07-2005, 01:36 PM #5Originally Posted by rontg
I might give it a shot.... I was thinking of doing my lower abs. The left side subc, and the right side dmso....
03-07-2005, 01:45 PM #6Associate Member
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Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
03-07-2005, 02:03 PM #7
That sounds interesting, but isnt there the chance for overabsorption of the DMSO? I dont know about this. personally i would wait for a bit of research
03-07-2005, 02:38 PM #8Associate Member
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I was actually just reading an article that said pgf2a kills the fat cells, not shrink them, therefore they wouldn't need to be burned doing cardio, it also said if your going to inject do so as far away from intestine and stomache as well. so i dunno if you wanna be shootin it around your abs.
Last edited by rontg; 03-07-2005 at 02:43 PM.
03-07-2005, 03:03 PM #9Originally Posted by rontg
I was thinking with smaller doses, It MIGHT not be a problem
03-07-2005, 03:28 PM #10Associate Member
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yeah i just read another post saying that if injected it kills fat cells, its used transdermaly it just relases them...well no definate information as of yet....can you say "lab rat", lol
03-07-2005, 03:59 PM #11
PGF2-A is supposed to "release" the fat cells with a transdermal application and need cardio or maybe clen /DNP to burn them off so they don't reapply somewhere else. When injected sub-c it's supposed to actually kill the fat cells, I don't have any personal experience with either, but I do know that shot IM it can give you nice muscle gains and burn fat just by raising your metabolism.
I'm on a cutter right now and using the PGF2-A and slin pwo only, 9mg PGF2-A and 12ius of slin shot bilaterally. If I end up with some stuborn fat deposits I may try the sub-c injections, I'd do that before bothering with the transdermal.
BTW, DNP and PGF2-A would make me want to kill myself.Last edited by joevette; 03-07-2005 at 04:03 PM.
03-07-2005, 04:03 PM #12Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
03-07-2005, 06:46 PM #13
How much do prostaglandins cost if i may ask?
03-07-2005, 09:05 PM #14
depends where u get it from.....
$50 good source for 30ml's... i've seen it high as $180 for 30ml's
03-07-2005, 09:06 PM #15
PGF2A was originally developed to induce labor in female cows - imagine what it'll do to your intestines haha.....
it gets int here... contracts them... and then BAM.... before you know it... ur ****tin on yourself.... staya way fromt he tummy unless you've lined your bathroom with tarp....
03-07-2005, 10:08 PM #16Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
As to your question on shooting subQ, I know someone has tried this, and I believe there were reports of it burning out chunks of fat, leaving dimples around the injections sites. Not good. If I run across that particular thread again, I will paste the info.
03-07-2005, 10:09 PM #17Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by wilthepill123
As for the research - it's on its way. I will be running this in the next couple weeks. Anything for science, baby!
03-07-2005, 10:10 PM #18Originally Posted by Whitey
03-08-2005, 02:01 PM #19What do you mean by overabsorption of the DMSO?
03-08-2005, 04:33 PM #20Originally Posted by Hazard
That's pretty exagerated, though. I've worked up to 9mg with my slin pwo and all I get is a tight feeling in my belly. It's like my body is suggesting I take a shiit, but I just say no .
The one concern I would have with injecting it sub-c is getting dimples as suggested before. That could turn into a nightmare trying to even that out. I think I'd try using the fat on my inner thigh during a bulker when I'm chubby.
03-08-2005, 06:06 PM #21
Willthepill you bring up a valid point.... chillin on the can would be no bueno...
Im not even sure If I will try it just yet. I want to try and see what it does for site specific gains. So that will be my first test.
And for the record, its pretty cake for me to burn off fat.... with diet of course. But I am wondering if I can eat whatever I want and still lose that fat if I use PGF2 in a cream form...
Subc might be a bad idea due to the fact that you could have pockets... would look a little odd.... I MIGHT test it on my quad or something where it cannot be seen.... so if it does happen I might be able to fix it....
03-08-2005, 08:20 PM #22Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by joevette
03-08-2005, 08:25 PM #23Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by wilthepill123
That's interesting. I will have to do some research on DMSO to see what amounts whould be used. If anybody here has any info - it would be appreciated.
The other thing I'm concerned about, is being near my wife when I'm running this. I wonder if a shower before bed would be sufficient to prevent any problems, or if it's possible that this stuff could leech back out of the skin...
I have heard a lot of warnings about keeping the product away from women because it is easily absorbed through the skin. Is there any danger of this with injections only, I wonder?
03-08-2005, 08:35 PM #24Anabolic Member
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Grabbed this from another board, where it had been grabbed from another board:
PGF2-a Transdermal Recipe:
1 30ml bottle of PGF2a
15 mls DMSO gel
75 mls aloe vera gel(preferably the thickest you can find). The aloe vera will combat some of the skin irritation from the DMSO.
Step 1
Measure out 15mls DMSO gel into a smal pyrex bowl as DMSO leeches metal salts out of meatllis objects. Place this in the sun or other warm area until the DMSO melts.
Step 2
Add the PGF2a to the DMSO gel. Stir using a glass or plastic utensil and sit it in the heat a little longer until its all liquid.
Step 3
Add the 75mls of aloe vera gel and mix. Again using a non-metal untensil.
Step 4
Put you mix into a squeeze bottle or other container that can be sealed and stick it in the fridge for about an hour....everything will gel up again and it will be ready to use. This will yield a little over 1mg/ml.
Because of the amount absorbed are small compared to the amout of what people inject...side effects will be minimal to non-existent.
03-09-2005, 01:08 AM #25Anabolic Member
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What's up guys? I've having a lot of fun here, posting in this thread all alone...
Okay, this was not the one I was looking for, but this post I ran across clearly shows (in one guy's experience) that PGF-2a does not cause an evenly distributed fat loss, when spot-injected SubQ, but rather causes fat loss in a fairly tight area. This guy on Outlaw claims to have carved himself a six-pack with it, by using an injection pattern. LMFAO!!!! Please, somebody do this, and take pictures.
"Prostoglandin Factor 2 alpha(PGF2) is not a hormone at all, but can have some interesting effects of the muscle building process, fat loss and endocrine system. This drug is used agriculture to syncrinize ovulation and induce labor or abortions. It must absolutly stay out of contact with females!!!!! It is easily trandermaly absorbed. In the male bodybuilder it can have many benifits.
1. Anabolic : In site specific IM injections it cuases muscle size and definition to increase, it is especialy useful in getting stubborn nonresponding muscles to grow, even after treatment is over. I see it less as an anabolic and more a anti-catabolic, precontest, this stuff will save pounds of tissue.People have reported loss in strength due to pain, though I have never experienced it.
-for this purpose I recomend 10-60 iu 5-8 times a day, starting at the lower dose/frequency working SLOWLY up to max.
2. Fat loss: This stuff kills fat cells on contact!!! Don't beleive me, go look it up. Only compound I can think of that actually does this. Fat cells die, actually dissolve, releasing fatty acids into the blood streem, so you gotta due cartio right after(or T3,clen ) On T3 you can actually save Lean tissue by using this as frequently as possible. It can be used transdermal(check Lab for recipe) or sub-cue right where you need it. I accually carved out a six pack in a week this way. Put it right in the where want cuts to form.
3. Endocrine:I just read a whole buch of old german studies that recently were translated that showed certain Prostoglandins increased LH. The study also showed increased adrogen activity on the inter-celluar basis. I will do more research for you all on this and report back later.
Sounds like the perfect drug right? Wrong! This **** has got more sides than a giga-gon(let me know who got that), I've seen this **** kill a horse, 20some minutes after injection. It causes asthma attacks to a degree in everybody(sometimes aysimtomatic), contractions of smooth muscle(diareaha), intense injection site pain, fever, and genneral feeling of '**** this sucks'."
03-09-2005, 01:15 AM #26Anabolic Member
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And here's a whole thread on the transdermal formula and application:
03-09-2005, 01:26 AM #27
Well allbeit that you were talking to yourself, I enjoyed the convo
Good info bro, I cant wait!!! Site injections here I come!
03-09-2005, 01:43 PM #28Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
When do you think you will start your cycle? I may actually have to hold off for a couple more weeks on mine. I'm really wanting to do an IGF-1 cycle here shortly, too.
Did you guys realize lutalyse retails for like $15-18 a bottle? Man, I wish I had a buddy who was a vet.
03-09-2005, 01:52 PM #29Originally Posted by Whitey
03-09-2005, 02:17 PM #30
Nice info whitey!
03-09-2005, 11:28 PM #31Anabolic Member
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No prob, bro. I will post more in here, as I relocate it. I really should keep a Word document whenever I research something - would make it so much easier later on...
Mallet, I believe this stuff is even cheaper in Canada - due to gov't regulation of med. prices. You don't happen to know a shady vet, do you? lol...
03-10-2005, 01:42 AM #32
good job whitey, im interested to see the applications of this and how its going to affect some people on this site as it becomes more popular.
03-10-2005, 09:04 AM #33Originally Posted by Whitey
03-11-2005, 05:32 PM #34Anabolic Member
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Originally Posted by Mallet
11-19-2005, 01:54 PM #35
-rodgeLast edited by rodge; 11-19-2005 at 05:29 PM.
11-19-2005, 04:31 PM #36
in my country cost just $ 4 a vial (lutalyse 30 ml)
and i have use for my calves, but.............
it does not serve for anything
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