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Thread: Injury Recovery

  1. #1
    powerforward is offline New Member
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    Injury Recovery

    I just discovered this forum today while I was searching for information on hgh and igf-1. Lots of great information here on both drugs.

    I'm interested in these drugs to help me recover from an injury. Basically my medial glute, lower back and tfl on my one side are screwed up. Everything originated with an injury to my medial glute, which I think was tight due to a complete lack of stretching. I stretch regularly now, but the damage is done and I'm not recovering very well. I'll go to my chiropractor and he'll "turn off" those muscles, they'll feel better, but I'll still feel pain during and after working out. Pulling off the floor has been painful for months. And yesterday things got worse when I felt a sharp pain in my lower back while squatting. Its completely destroyed the progress I was making, and I can't imagine making more until its healed.

    Right now I'm taking time off, going to start stretching again once the inflammation goes down. But I'm considering doing some drugs to help my recovery, maybe starting in a month or so.

    So we come to hgh and igf-1. I have been told that both of these have a he****g effect on connective tissue. Most of the posts I've seen are people using these drugs for other purposes, like cutting or PCT. Has anyone used either one for injury recovery? I'm more interested in hearing about igf-1, since I have more ready access to it. Do I need to inject directly into the injured areas to get these he****g benefits?

    Appreciate any advice/recommendations you guys have.

  2. #2
    powerforward is offline New Member
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    Jul 2005

  3. #3
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    My father has the same problem, I’m trying to get him to go on HGH. As for you’re question I’d say yes and no, HGH and IGF are both effective drugs and will help the he****g process regardless of were you inject it. However. My people chose to inject at the site they most want to see results. For example injecting into the abdominal area is popular when cutting.
    I am not an expert so I’d get a second opinion (off you’re doctor or one of the more knowledgeable members of the board) but it’s my opinion you may get a bit better results injecting into the site of injury but I don’t think it will make a huge difference.

  4. #4
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    both hgh and igf speed up recovery.12 weeks ago i ripped of the tendon of my pec major.i got surgery 2 weeks after and they said that i would'nt be back in the gym before 12 its 10 weeks ago and i'm allready working out for 4 weeks.all muscle groups except chest are back on track,chest i have to go easy on but i'm allready benchpressing with light weights(110lbs).both my doc and the physical therapist are amazed on how fast i recover.when it happened i was just started with hgh at 3iu 5on/2off i continued this with after 3 weeks after surgery i did 4 weeks of igf at 50mcg ed.i'll wait another week and then i start a second igf cycle at 70mcg.


  5. #5
    powerforward is offline New Member
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    Jul 2005
    Thanks for the replies Graeme and Rodge. I think some rest for a few weeks, then lots of stretching, deep tissue massage and an igf-lr3 cycle could make me completely healthy again.

  6. #6
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    good luck with it and take it easy.


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