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  1. #1
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    in your beezy's vagina

    Question confused on LR3 IGF-1

    ive done a lot of research on this board, and everywhere it is recommended to use an insulin needle to measure and inject LR3 IGF-1, but is also recommended to inject it IM. how is that really possible except for on maybe bis tris and calves with a 1/2" insulin needle? do u measure it with the insulin needle and then inject it using some other syringe im lost here please clarify this for me, cus i have to use atleast a 1" pin to get my juice IM.

    also i am torn between using the LR3 IGF-1 in my pct or during my cycle, how would you experienced users recommend me incorporating it in my upcoming TEST Cyp/EQ/NPP cycle?

    cycle looks like this
    weeks 1-12 test cyp and eq
    weeks 9-14 NPP
    weeks 11-15 Winny

    so far from what ive read i think it would be best for me to run it like this
    LR3 IGF-1 weeks 14-15 and 18-19
    CLenbuterol weeks 16-17 and 20-21
    ( it would seem by cycling clen and igf like this it will solidify and cut up my gains from the cycle )

    sidenote i will also be running pct of nolva and clomid weeks 16-19
    and letro through cycle

    all help appreciateddd

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Yes,we use a slin pin to inject IGF.It helps to be on the lean side,but you shouldn't have an issue injecting in your Bi's,Tri's or Delts.

    I'd run the IGF at PCT in that cycle you posted.I'm confused if you are trying to bulk or cut.

    Run the IGF for 30 days straight.On off days from the gym,take your shot after breakfast.On training days,do the shot PWO.

    I def don't like your idea of cycling IGF 2 weeks and clen 2 weeks.IGF makes you insulin sensative,while clen makes you somewhat insulin insensative.


  3. #3
    leansauce is offline Associate Member
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    in your beezy's vagina
    alright thanks for ur input pinnna

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Yes,we use a slin pin to inject IGF.It helps to be on the lean side,but you shouldn't have an issue injecting in your Bi's,Tri's or Delts.

    I'd run the IGF at PCT in that cycle you posted.I'm confused if you are trying to bulk or cut.

    Run the IGF for 30 days straight.On off days from the gym,take your shot after breakfast.On training days,do the shot PWO.

    I def don't like your idea of cycling IGF 2 weeks and clen 2 weeks.IGF makes you insulin sensative,while clen makes you somewhat insulin insensative.

    I agree, 2 on 2 off like clen isn't the best way to run LR3


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