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  1. #1
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    Insulin and Test En????


    I was thinking about stacking Testosterone Enthanate and Insulin . I have enough knowledge about the "en" just need to get some. The insulin im really worried about because of the whole death thing. How much should i take and when. I weight 158lbs. Very small body fat %. Thanks, Austin

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The "death" things doesn't really happend that often, not that I know of anyway. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be carefull when using insulin because it is very possible for one to experience serious sides if they don't know what they are doing.

    Test enanthate and insulin is a good stack. I have always liked the combination of any kind of test and slin.

    There are many threads here regarding slin, just do a search and you will find all the info you need.

    I'll get back you with a good slin thread.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Here you go, take a read at this:


    If you have any further queries once you have red that, then just post a question in here.


  4. #4
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    hey dude thanks for that link, its amazing. But yet it dosnt mention test en. and insulin stack. You seem to know what ur talking about here so please gimmie some info. First I can get Insulin from lik CVS pharmacy right? I already have Insulin needles so tahts not a problem. HUMALOG (i was reading) is the 1 i should take..or no? My plan is to take it about 15min after my workout with either a double serving protein shake or a weight gainner. When I inject it for about 2 hours i should really watch my self and if i feel kinda off take lik a soda and candy? I am still unsure about the inject...i read for the first time use 4iu then every inject (if its working fine) move up 1iu until u hit 10iu then just stay there? I weight 158 so would that still be fine on my body? Will insulin work without stacking it with anything? Thanks, Austin

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes that's right, the thread that I posted doesn't say anything about enanthat because its a thread on insulin only. It tells you how to use slin only. I didn't bother looking for a thread on how to use enanthate because you said you already know a fair bit about enanthate. So now all you have to do is learn about insulin and then you will know how to use both.

    Humalog is the best choice yes, and as for getting slin from a Pharamcy, it really depends what country you are in. Every country has different laws.

    Take your Humalog immidietly PWO, then after your shot take your carbs (which is most cases is dextrose). 15 min later have your protein shake (about 70g of protein) and then 1.25hrs later have a protein/carb meal. 2.00hrs later have another protein/carb meal and by the time you have your next meal slin should no longer be active in your system therefore you may east as you usually do.

    Yes it's a good idea to have some dextrose on hand while insulin is active. I usually have a can coca cola on me at all times while slin is active. Make sure its not diet coke though as diet coke contains no sugars.

    Start of with 4IU and if everything works well then up the dose by 1IU till you get to 10IU. Once on 10IU, there is no need to take anymore. Note that you should only increase the dose if you feel the need to. So if you are on 7IU and you feel hypo that is uncontrolable then its wise to take a lower dose next time.

    Insulin is beneficial when used alone or combined with other compounds.

    Kepp your fats to a minimum while slin is active.


  6. #6
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    ok man thanks awsome thanks a mill.

    Ok so i think ill just stick to a seperate stack between insulin and the test en. Just to be safe.

    Ok so now how much will i gain if i kick my ass in the gym and eat right with just taking insulin? And how long should I take this for?


  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Bro there is no need to slin take alone, you can if you like but if you have the enanthate there then you may as well use it. It won't make any difference in terms on side effects that insulin can create.

    It's hard to say how much you will gain as everybody reacts differently therefore everyones results will be different. Generally speaking though, insulin won't really bring much weight, size or strength gains. It's good for recovery and that's about it. As a matter of fact, it will feel like its not even working because you will feel like you aren't getting the results, but in fact you are getting results on recovery side of things.

    Take slin 4 weeks ON then 4 weeks OFF PWO only.


  8. #8
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    ok sounds good.

    i was thinking about it seperate because i dont have any test en on hand and i dont kno how long it will be till i can get some. ok so ill stack both....should i lift on days i inject the test.?
    thanks buddy-austin

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You can shoot enanthate whenever you like. Enanthate can be taken once a week.


  10. #10
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    ya man i knew that stuff.

    hows this:

    inject of test every 6-7 days
    insulin everyday (workoutdays) about 10-15min after of 4iu then build 1iu until i hit 10iu or my body cant take it?

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Take your slin immidietly PWO, then have your "x" amount of dextrose, then 15 min later have your shake. Start on 4IU, and increase the dose by 1IU every workout untill you get 10IU. Once on 10IU stay on that dose.


  12. #12
    masterdiver89 is offline Associate Member
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    when i can get my ahnds on some test. ill def. do that, thanks for the help


  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    No worries, all the best.


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