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  1. #1
    RockStar69 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2005

    Lightbulb HGH 191aa Vs 192aa, Problem please!

    Ok so i read alot of post on this forum before posting this.

    191aa the best yes but... yes thers a but, the price range is changing alot when using the 192aa.

    I want to bring this up, u get anti-bodies from IGF-1 no mather the brand u use u will get it. Thats why your of when using for 1 month.

    Now to the anti-bodies from 192aa.
    When studies was made on 191aa and 192aa, this is the results.
    using 191aa u get about 5% anit-bodies, when using 192aa u get about 30% anti-bodies. The anti-bodies will go away when not using anymore. So why are everyone so scared of using 192aa?


    Fitropin is MET-rhGH, which has 192 amino acid residue among them 191 amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of this human pituitary growth hormone . All the test data shows that MET-rhGH has the same physical and chemical properties, biological activities, clinical effects and safety as compared natural rHGH.

    At the early stage, when MET-rhGH was used in clinical studies, there were 30% antibodies produced, while endogenous GH had 5% antibodies. All the clinical data proved the antibodies has no pharmacological effect to Fitropin.

    Genetic has made a lot of tests and the tests showed that the antibodies mainly come with the impurities. With the improvement in purification process of MET-rhGH, the product gets very high purity and it has much less antibodies. fitropin products have the same antibodies rates as endogenous GH

    There are many companies which can make rhGH in the world, but all have different process technology. fitropin process technology has a main advantages over others in high density fermentation.
    fitropin high density fermentation technology is superior in the world. With advanced purifying process, fitropin can ensure the high quality products. Through bacteria body smashing, extract, and 3 steps column purification, the products are achieved 99.99% purity.

    Fitropin HGH not only meet Chinese Pharmacopeias but also meet the Europe Pharmacopeias and USP.
    At present, fitropin 6iu HGH is used as the standard materials by China National Institutes for the control of pharmaceutical and biological products(NICPBP). It’s china’s national standard material. While other specification’s standard are from WHO (would health organization). That shows fitropin HGH is the best quality HGH products in China.

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    The anti-bodies from 192aa HGH can cause HGH to be rendered useless, even your own. The idea that LR3 could only be used for 4 weeks because of anti-bodies, was a myth, we thought that because we didn't know what we know now. The reason for the 4 weeks is basically the same reason as only using slin for 4 weeks, you don't want to be dependent on it.

    You can use 192aa HGH if you'd like, I wouldn't because of the anti-bodies. I just don't want to take the chance of HGH being useless in my body. There are lots of Bros that use it and love it, but we don't know what's going to happen down the road say 20 years from now.

    My personal stance is use what is the same sequence as what your body produces, that is a safer way of using HGH, some could use 192aa and have no side effects in the future, but I don't want to take that chance.


  3. #3
    RockStar69 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2005
    Ok but doing 192aa for 3-4months would get u 30% anti-bodies, these anti-bodies will die out after a time, offcourse the body remembers this and next time u use 192aa the body direct producer these anti-bodies fo protection and then the % produced anti-bodies will go over 30% easy.

    But using 192aa when u canät afford 191aa 1 time wouldent be so dangerous, i cant tell anyone to use these because i cant say how ther body will react exact. But in studys shows that 191 produces 5% and 192aa will produce 30%. But remember when using 191aa u will probablu use this for a very long time in your life on and of and if ther is 5% anti-bodies produced then the bode next time will remember this and produce more and more offcourse this would probably never ever happend with 191aa.

    Again i dont recomend 192aa but then i wouldent say it will kill u in 20years or something beacuse the anti-bodies dies out. But if u keep using 192aa then well your playing with your only body.

  4. #4
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    Apr 2005
    Good info guys. I don't know what you make of anasom be it a 191aa or a 192aa there has been much debate on the subject but if you are looking to run a "cheap" GH cycle i would go with anasom. I personaly think it is a 191aa but even if it's a 192aa it works great for me and many other guys on the boar.

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