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  1. #1
    tommyguns88 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Quick question about mixing lr3-igf?

    I have a bottle or 1000mcg powder. I also have the small bottles of sterile water and AA. I have bigger bottles of BW. How should I mix it up and how much should I inject. I tried reading some other post but didn't really understand fully and don't want to screw this up. Please let me know. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    this is what i did, RBs recipe cut in half....still waiting on confirmation

    Ok, well this is what I did. Someone tell me if I made a $100 mistake...ha

    1mg IGF LR3

    10 units= 40mcgs

    .3ccs AA
    2.2ccs Sterile Water

    Somone please confirm, thanks.

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