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  1. #1
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Refrigerating Bac Water

    I am wondering if regrigerating my unused bac water would be a good idea, e.g. if it would keep it more sterile and/or reduce the chance of any bacteria growing in the bac water (although i know it's not supposed to). Since these bac water vials are used many times over that is why i am wondering if regrigerating them is a good idea.

    I read on Nutripin's site that bac water should be refrigerated between 2-8 C, but i am using Jintropin and not nutropin.

  2. #2
    smurphy_92781 is offline New Member
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    I always keep mine refrigerated . It may not be necessary but why wouldn't you ?

  3. #3
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Nutrpoin is suspended GH and is already mixed so it has to be refridgerated.

    Some people like to keep their BW in the fridge so its already cold when reconstituting their GH. I keep mine at room temp and use it when needed.

    A precaution, yes. A must, no.

  4. #4
    Drifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Nutrpoin is suspended GH and is already mixed so it has to be refridgerated.

    Some people like to keep their BW in the fridge so its already cold when reconstituting their GH. I keep mine at room temp and use it when needed.

    A precaution, yes. A must, no.
    I'm the same way , I keep my bac water at room temp .
    As for GH , once its constructed you should keep it in the fridge. Some say you dont have to , but those are guys that go through a vial in a few days . Those of us with normal incomes cant afford that , and use 2-8 IU's a day , need or should keep it chilled

  5. #5
    Equiguns is offline Associate Member
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    Just keep EVERYTHING in the fridge, it makes everything easier, and no negative effects...the GH must be placed in the fridge once it arrives, bac water can be placed as well, reconstitution can be done while cold or room temp, doesnt matter...keep everything except the syringes in the fridge and you dont have to look for stuff or worry about it. OR keep it outside, doesn't matter.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Jayhova what is your view on keeping HGH refrigerated once its reconstituted ? Is it absolutely necessary ? My wife doesnt know I juice and I can hide that pretty easily, although she is a bit dubeous about my 20lb increase in weight over the last couple of years. But I cant hide HGH if it has to be kept in the fridge and at my age, I would love to try it.

  7. #7
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Jayhova what is your view on keeping HGH refrigerated once its reconstituted ?
    If it needs to be reconstituted it should be refridgerated after mixed. Even when it's still in its lyo form I prefer to keep it in the fridge as thats how they have it in pharmacies.

    My Ex was always accusing me of "roid rage " so I had to go ahead and hide it myself. I know I know, if shes doenst accept it blah blah.........

    I would keep it in a tiny creatine box that held packets of creatine. She never looked in there nor asked, worked like a charm.

  8. #8
    Triposinator's Avatar
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    I've heard a couple of ideas for getting around your storage problem Kale. Jayhova's put it in "something else" is one. Another is using velcro and attaching it in a small container to the BOTTOM of a refrigerator shelf.
    Or keeping it an off-site location, like a friend's house. Finally, you can get a tiny fridge and hide it somewhere in your house or garage. They don't make much noise and are easy to hide, depending on your circumstances. You also need to think about stashing all of the pins you need - not trivial if you run twice a day.

    I've been on hgh about 6 weeks, now 4iu/day and the fat loss is already noticable/measurable. So I understand your lust for gving it a try. At 50 I have a feeling its a no-brainer for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Jayhova what is your view on keeping HGH refrigerated once its reconstituted ? Is it absolutely necessary ? My wife doesnt know I juice and I can hide that pretty easily, although she is a bit dubeous about my 20lb increase in weight over the last couple of years. But I cant hide HGH if it has to be kept in the fridge and at my age, I would love to try it.

  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well boys you are never going to believe this. I just had dinner with my wife. I have beem thinking all day how I can get this HGH thing happening. Now remember I live in Singapore and it is stinking hot here all year round. I have shitloads of viatmins in my bathroom on the bench. I mean like 30 bottles of shit. So I had a brain flash at dinner, I said to the wife that I had to throw away three bottles of stuff because they melted and what a waste of money that was. She says "go buy a little fridge and put it in your office". I have an office at home. So yipee !!!!! HGH here I come. I can get my balls back with HCG as well. I am so stoked. I am buying one tomorrow !!!!! You guys are brilliant !!!!

  10. #10
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    She says "go buy a little fridge and put it in your office". I have an office at home. So yipee !!!!!
    You little sneak you. Good job, now let's get rolling buddy.

  11. #11
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Yeah I am good to go now. I have ordered my first kit already. I am going to start at 2 IU and work my way up for 5 IU 5 on 2 off. I am on cycle right now. Should I wait till its finished ? Now remember I dont do PCT I just cruise between cycles on 100mg Test E.

  12. #12
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    I think the VETS are going to tell you to start ASAP.

    Congratulations on working out a solution!

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