I was reading an article written by a doctor about hgh. He said that recombinant hgh, the only kind available today after the banning of hgh sourced from cadavers (due to rare diseases of the brain), only consituted a small spectrum of natural hgh. what i mean is when your pitutary makes hgh it makes a hundred or so different variants. all the different variants are not well understood in their role in the body. so taking rhGH, is just one variant. You are inadvertly suppressing all other variants, due to negative feedback on the hypothalamus. No one knows the exact problems this can cause, but the doctor strongly recommended against its use, saying one should attempt to boost endogenous hgh through various supplements (and possibly hgh precusor hormones from the hypothalamus).

Why mess up a good thing when you are young? Stick to heavy andrognes like I do lol