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  1. #1
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    LR3 IGF or HGH?Another one...

    I will try to keep it simple..Im deciding between IGF and Jin and cant make up my mind? My goals are more strength,ligament tendon strength, the overall health improvements that gh can give...lean muscle gains with some drop in bodyfat would be awesome and i think i would get some with either but its not whats most important..I play baseball (pitcher),if that would make a difference...23 yo (i know im young for this but im doing this so please just help me choose the right one),6'4 225,bf prob 12-15%,doubt its much more

    Im just not in it only for the muscle gains, and i feel like ive read thats all IGF will that incorrect?

  2. #2
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    IGF-1 and MGF

    Steroid -Peptides

  3. #3
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    Any reason why?

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettnthere
    Any reason why?
    Good Question !!!

  5. #5
    Triposinator's Avatar
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    He sells them both

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Good Question !!!

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    He sells them both
    Yes I know, and this is starting to get annoying, fine say use IGF but at least put some intelligent comment in there as to why

  7. #7
    Triposinator's Avatar
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    Kale, He's a sponser, and free to pump his wares at will. I agree though its very dissapointing behavior.

    gettnthere, I've doing hgh (4.5 months so far) and haven't noticed and strength/size. However, I'm only running at 4iu/day, so I don't expect this. I have seen fantastic reduction in Tendon pain. Did't have any ligament issues at the start so nothing to report there. Fat loss? -- maybe a bit, but its still very diet and cardio dependent.

    I've run 1 cycle of IGF at 80mcg/day with strict diet. I saw no tendon improvement, a smidge of fat loss and zero mass gain. However, I did this during PCT, so multiple forces were in action for 1/2 of the cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yes I know, and this is starting to get annoying, fine say use IGF but at least put some intelligent comment in there as to why

  8. #8
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    Trip-Thanks that is definately helpful,it makes me not want to take either!

    cuz i wont be on a high dosage of the Jin if i decide to go that way, but how do these prof athletes (mainly baseball) make such drastic improvements in their game from HGH? I doubt they are taking as much as a serious bodybuilder does (like on this board).And they CANNOT take AAS close to or during the season

    Maybe it doesnt take as much to put a few mph on a fastball as it does to get huge and ripped like alot of you guys who say 10 iu ED,or more. Its hard for me to figure out what I think is best for my situation because a lot of you guys are on HGH/IGF for bodybuilding reasons right?while im on it for a performance enhancer...but i wouldnt mind being a specimen at the same time.

    -IGF is less expensive,but quicker results
    -HGH is overall better for ones health,ligaments as well,but pricey.

    Dammit someone just tell me what to take,lol..and preferably not steroid -peptides guy (unless you back your statements up a little this time please),i respect your opinion and there is a good chance i might go with that,but would like to hear from others if thats okay with you! thanks

  9. #9
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    I'm currently writing an article for MesoRx which will explain basically everything you need to know about MGF and IGF, and why I think that they are superior to hGH.

  10. #10
    comradebillyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettnthere
    I will try to keep it simple..Im deciding between IGF and Jin and cant make up my mind? My goals are more strength,ligament tendon strength, the overall health improvements that gh can give...lean muscle gains with some drop in bodyfat would be awesome and i think i would get some with either but its not whats most important..I play baseball (pitcher),if that would make a difference...23 yo (i know im young for this but im doing this so please just help me choose the right one),6'4 225,bf prob 12-15%,doubt its much more

    Im just not in it only for the muscle gains, and i feel like ive read thats all IGF will that incorrect?
    I recently started hgh at 3 iu per day. too soon for body composition changes, but I am seeing real improvments in my stamina and max heart rate when I do cardio. I am overall feeling more energetic and motivated. I am 58 and need all the energy and motivation I can get.

    If you have the bucks supplement the hgh with IGF/MGF for the muscle gains. have the best of both worlds.

  11. #11
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Yes I know, and this is starting to get annoying, fine say use IGF but at least put some intelligent comment in there as to why

    No shit. It makes me wanna use it LESS when they don't have anything to back it up.

  12. #12
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    How would I split up the shots if I took IGF and Jin together?

    I would probably start with 2 iu ED 5/2 for the first few weeks of Jin, gradually moving up.

    And I would use 60 mcg of the IGF every training day correct?For 5 weeks to start,then a month off.

    My guess would be to shoot the Jin first thing in morning, then shoot the IGF right after workout.

    Is there anything else I need to take with these two??? I am not doing insulin .therefore no T3 i think is how it works.

    First time HGH user, have experience with AAS.

  13. #13
    junit37's Avatar
    junit37 is offline Junior Member
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    If you are a pitcher i would definitely go with the HGH. HGH is taken by professional athletes not to increase strength. It is not going to help you hit a baseball farther or run faster by itself....HGH is predominately used in the pro athletic circle for recovery. It's amazing the recovery effect HGH has on the body throughout a season. Especially from a pitcher's perspective, the ability to recover between starts and last longer into late innings....I really wouldn't go the IGF-LR3 route.....I just don't think there is enough evidence out there yet and the sources that you have available are not proven.......You don't need to take high amounts of HGH to see results in the recovery forum....3-4ius will suffice.....The only way to describe the results that HGH will give you during a season is that you don't think it is doing that much until you stop. So it's not a noticeable effect like an anabolic but once you use HGH through a season you won't want to play a season without it......It just makes your body feel so much better.....

  14. #14
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    Damn junit,just when I was starting to convince myself to go the cheaper route with the LR3 IGF you go and give me some good info that makes me wanna get the Jin!! This is tough, I want to make the right choice,still such a newb with the GH/IGF stuff

  15. #15
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
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    Are there any risks taking IGF in your early 20's? Having healthy children is very important to me and I wouldnt sacrifice that for anything,so does IGF affect people in that area????

    I have gotten some great responses and it looks like I might go with the IGF to start,then probably get some Jin around the new year. Any side effects with the IGF i need to know about? I have read post after post, all the stickies and have heard of some,but nothing that worries me.Is there any other ones out there to maybe think about? Thanks bros

  16. #16
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Im in my early 20s and I dont thin kthere is anythign wrong with it.

  17. #17
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steroid-peptides

    are we gonna be gettin this sh!t everytime someones mentions igf/mgf?

  18. #18
    twiney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force

    are we gonna be gettin this sh!t everytime someones mentions igf/mgf?

    Yes we are

    I know this is shit

  19. #19
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Great - will it have measured results from well controlled ACTUAL uses of these products? Because frankly aricles about the theory of why things should work are in abundance in the BB world. They all sound quite convincing

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I'm currently writing an article for MesoRx which will explain basically everything you need to know about MGF and IGF, and why I think that they are superior to hGH.
    Last edited by Triposinator; 08-08-2006 at 09:38 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Great - will it have measured results from well controlled ACTUAL uses of these products? Because frankly aricles about the theory of why things should work are in abundance in the BB world. They all sound quite convincing
    It'll have my results, and the feedback from people who I have interviewed on the topic (IFBB professionals, etc...). If that's not good enough, then I'm sorry, because that + Scientific Evidence from medically sound and controlled peer-reviewed studies is all I can offer.

    It's as airtight as I can make it, in short, just like everything I do.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force

    are we gonna be gettin this sh!t everytime someones mentions igf/mgf?
    I hope so.

    Sponsors pay alot of money to be able to sell their products on this board- it's their money that keeps this board running. I see no problem with selling a good product, and promoting it where they have paid to advertise (and theirs is good, as I've tried it, and am currently on their IGF and MGF).

    I promote my book here, Steroid -Peptides promotes their Peptides, Lion promotes his Chems, etc....

    I don't see a problem with any of this.

    That money, from those sponsors (and profit from my book as well) goes into the many projects which make this site better. Funny, but nobody complained when the owner took thousands of dollars (*earned through sponsorship money) and PAID to have all new profiles written up for every steroid.

    Take, for example, the fact that the owner of this site paid me $200/profile for all the work I did in the profile forum. Now, has more in-depth profiles than any other site on the 'net. He also paid me to write out the history of steroids , a full article on steroid side effects, another one on steroids in sports , and to redo the entire steroid effectiveness chart, as well as to do a totally new "how to do injections" article (all of which are on the front page). Oh...and he paid other members for their work on this site as well, not just me. Nobody was complaining then. Right?

    Where does that money that he pays me and others come from? Where does the money for the Cisco routers, back-up servers, and web-hosting come from?


    It's the sponsors who provide the capital which allows to continually be upgraded and provide new articles and information to the users, who get all of that information for ****ing free.

    You know why doesn't have a profile forum that's just shitty copy/paste's from other sites? Because money is constantly being re-invested into the site, which all comes from sponsors (the members don't pay, right?). The sponsors provide the money, which allows this site to exist, and the owner (Brian) graciously re-invests it in providing as much quality information to all of the members as possible, for FREE. Then the members complain about the sponsors, which I frankly think is bullshit. They pay to be here and to promote their products, and that's part of what allows the board to be as good as it is. And FREE TO THE MEMBERS.

    So next time you ask yourself "Why is this sponsor aggressively promoting his/her product" I think the thought going through your head should be "Thank God this site has sponsors who provide quality products, and pay to advertise here- so the information remains the best on the 'net, and FREE to me"

    Just my .02.

  22. #22
    Triposinator's Avatar
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    Controlled, peer reviewed results sounds good. If they provide measurements the BB community is interested in.

    Inferences based upon studies (controlled and peer reviewed or not) about IGF levels in dwarf 3rd graders, much less interesting. Real before and after measures of LBM, BF, strength, etc in healthy 30-50 year old athletes would be great.

    Interviews? - We we all have our opinions don't we? The cold hard facts ought to speak for themselves. I suppose if these subjects have specific before and after metrics it would be an interesting addition to what the studies show.

    Just a little customer feedback Anthony

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    It'll have my results, and the feedback from people who I have interviewed on the topic (IFBB professionals, etc...). If that's not good enough, then I'm sorry, because that + Scientific Evidence from medically sound and controlled peer-reviewed studies is all I can offer.

    It's as airtight as I can make it, in short, just like everything I do.
    Last edited by Triposinator; 08-08-2006 at 11:11 AM.

  23. #23
    Triposinator's Avatar
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    Have to agree with you Anthony. Just hope that the facts and conflicts of interests are adequately disclosed so that the casual user can assess the potential issues this creates.

    Maybe all those affiliated with board sponsers should have to put some kind of notice in their signature line.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I hope so.

    Sponsors pay alot of money to be able to sell their products on this board- it's their money that keeps this board running. I see no problem with selling a good product, and promoting it where they have paid to advertise (and theirs is good, as I've tried it, and am currently on their IGF and MGF).

    I promote my book here, Steroid -Peptides promotes their Peptides, Lion promotes his Chems, etc....

    I don't see a problem with any of this.

    That money, from those sponsors (and profit from my book as well) goes into the many projects which make this site better. Funny, but nobody complained when the owner took thousands of dollars (*earned through sponsorship money) and PAID to have all new profiles written up for every steroid.

    Take, for example, the fact that the owner of this site paid me $200/profile for all the work I did in the profile forum. Now, has more in-depth profiles than any other site on the 'net. He also paid me to write out the history of steroids , a full article on steroid side effects, another one on steroids in sports , and to redo the entire steroid effectiveness chart, as well as to do a totally new "how to do injections" article (all of which are on the front page). Oh...and he paid other members for their work on this site as well, not just me. Nobody was complaining then. Right?

    Where does that money that he pays me and others come from? Where does the money for the Cisco routers, back-up servers, and web-hosting come from?


    It's the sponsors who provide the capital which allows to continually be upgraded and provide new articles and information to the users, who get all of that information for ****ing free.

    You know why doesn't have a profile forum that's just shitty copy/paste's from other sites? Because money is constantly being re-invested into the site, which all comes from sponsors (the members don't pay, right?). The sponsors provide the money, which allows this site to exist, and the owner (Brian) graciously re-invests it in providing as much quality information to all of the members as possible, for FREE. Then the members complain about the sponsors, which I frankly think is bullshit. They pay to be here and to promote their products, and that's part of what allows the board to be as good as it is. And FREE TO THE MEMBERS.

    So next time you ask yourself "Why is this sponsor aggressively promoting his/her product" I think the thought going through your head should be "Thank God this site has sponsors who provide quality products, and pay to advertise here- so the information remains the best on the 'net, and FREE to me"

    Just my .02.

  24. #24
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    damn, never even knew it was like that. Point acknowledged.

    Still should provide a logical explanation as to why his product is so good though when he posts his link.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    damn, never even knew it was like that. Point acknowledged.

    Still should provide a logical explanation as to why his product is so good though when he posts his link.
    I'm in the process of writing an article on IGF/MGF and why I think they are so good stacked together...certainly better than hGH, and better than either alone. But these things take time....

    And honestly, I would be ingenuine to say that money isn't why I write about steroids . I only post regularly on 3 sites, and one (this one) sells my book, and the other two sell an e-book of mine....any other site that I post on (which would be rare) is (at very least) selling one or more of my products.

    Making money from all of this allows me to produce a higher quality of work, than if I were working a 9-5 and writing about steroids in my spare time. So it's good that I make a living out of all of this, in terms of the quality of work I'm able to's bad, I guess, if you consider that I'm not in this to be "a good bro" or something like that....this is my full time job.

    I like doing this, and certainly appreciate the opportunities that writing about steroids has afforded me, but in the end, I'm a professional, writing for people who pay me, or selling a product (a book or an e-book, or whatever...). Luckily, my success is predicated on how often I'm correct, and produce a good piece of work, so the fact remains that even though I'm a professional, my profession is to tell the truth about steroids. If I endorse a bad product, then it devalues my opinion, and if my opinion is devalued, then my work will make me less money. So it pays (literally) for me to tell the truth about products and if they are good or not. This particular sponsor produces a very good product that I like, and since it would ultimately cost me $ if I was lying, why would I? It's not smart, in the long run.

    So I that all the cards are on the table, you know where I'm coming from with all of this....

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Have to agree with you Anthony. Just hope that the facts and conflicts of interests are adequately disclosed so that the casual user can assess the potential issues this creates.

    Maybe all those affiliated with board sponsers should have to put some kind of notice in their signature line.
    I'm not affiliated with a board sponsor....In some ways, you can look at me as one myself, though...I am a partner (one of the two names on the covder) in the book that this board produces...I am not a partner in Anabolic Books LLC or steroid .com, per se, but I get a % of the net from sales of the book, and therefore have a vested interest in seeing this board (and consequently it's sponsors) succeed. None of that means I'll lie to promote something, simply that it's in my best interests to help insure the future success of this board.

    When another peptide company tried to come on here, I staunchly opposed their being able to advertise here, because I don't believe in their products....consequently, and probably due in some part to my opposition of that scumbag company, steroid-peptides was brought on as the peptide sponsor. I think that's an important thing to consider...that I knew about another company, with inferior products trying to sponsor this forum, and when I told the owner that I believed their products to be inferior, he went instead with a company that he and myself believe to produce superior products. The continued success of this board consists of bringing on sponsors who produce quality products, not just any sponsor. So if my interests are vested, they are vested in the interests of insuring that continues to lead in the world of anabolic information...and that means not bringing on fly-by-night sponsors with terrible products. So my vested interests lie in the best interests of the board as a whole, as does the owners.

    Other than that, I write articles on a per/issue basis, and that affiliates me with several boards on the 'net...but none so much so as, where my career started.

  27. #27
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    AR/hooker what do you think about using HGH to help heal tendons & ligaments in a pitchers elbow?

    Will it get rid of the pain? Or is it just a waste of time and $....

    I'm like this guy it has to work on a scientific basis or I'm not wasting my time.


  28. #28
    junit37's Avatar
    junit37 is offline Junior Member
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    well i think there is a risk in anything you take, especially something like IGF-1LR3....There just isn't that much knowledge out there yet...i think you would be making a mistake substituting IGF-1LR3 for HGH for a baseball season....i think HGH is a much wiser choice for a pitcher especially considering you have yet to experience any of them....don't take something just because it is cheaper...they are both expensive and if you are going to spend the money then do it right.....just my 2 cents....

  29. #29
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I can't wait to read the profile on it.

    As hellmask said hooker, what is your advice on supplementation for healing ligaments/tendons?

  30. #30
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I hope so. so u actually want to see him begging people to buy his project on every thread?

    Sponsors pay alot of money to be able to sell their products on this board- it's their money that keeps this board running. I see no problem with selling a good product, and promoting it where they have paid to advertise (and theirs is good, as I've tried it, and am currently on their IGF and MGF).

    Just my .02.

    yes we know he is a sponser - we see his link everytime he writes a message-
    we also see the huge advertisement at the top of the screen every time we log in - how can we miss it?

    why do we need him interupting discussions with "please buy my product" this is not helpful to anyone except for him

    now i am sure i am not the only one here who thinks that this is more than a little bit unnecessary and dam right annoying
    surely it is the members choice whether to buy such a product - we do not need 'sponsers' shoving it in our face every 5 minutes

    there is a lot to be said for an intellectual comment regarding igf with some backing and reasoning relating to the members post , then perhaps he can state he sells such product

    what i do not find acceptable is for him to be saying "buy my gear" every time someone makes a post

    sponsers are great yes - more power to them
    money hungry businessmen polluting the board with comments that are for his own benefit only is definitely not great
    Last edited by G-Force; 08-09-2006 at 05:54 AM.

  31. #31
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    yes we know he is a sponser - we see his link everytime he writes a message-
    we also see the huge advertisement at the top of the screen every time we log in - how can we miss it?

    why do we need him interupting discussions with "please buy my product" this is not helpful to anyone except for him

    now i am sure i am not the only one here who thinks that this is more than a little bit unnesecessary and dam right annoying
    surely it is the members choice whether to buy such a product - we do not need 'sponsers' shoving it in our face every 5 minutes

    there is a lot to be said for an intellectual comment regarding igf with some backing and reasoning relating to the members post , then perhaps he can state he sells such product

    what i do not find acceptable is for him to be saying "buy my gear" every time someone makes a post

    sponsers are great yes - more power to them
    money hungry businessmen polluting the board with comments that are for his own benefit only is definitely not great
    No you are not !!! And what you are saying is absolutely correct. I have no problem with the guy advertising but to drop a dump line in the middle of a PCT thats just says "use IGF" with no explanation as to why is just pain dumb.

  32. #32
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts

    Where does that money that he pays me and others come from? Where does the money for the Cisco routers, back-up servers, and web-hosting come from?


    It's the sponsors who provide the capital which allows steroid .com to continually be upgraded and provide new articles and information to the users, who get all of that information for ****ing free.

    Just my .02.

    i'm sorry but this is an entirely different matter

    sponsors being paid to provoide valuable information is in no way the same as sponsors pushing their product

    your comment is taking out of context what i was saying -the two situations are completely different and cannot be compared

  33. #33
    G-Force's Avatar
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    no reply from mr roberts

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