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  1. #1
    RileyASON is offline New Member
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    Age related risks of using gh at 17 years old?

    a younger cousin wants to use gh, i tried tlaking him out of it, but he defended his argument well and i couldn't convince him not to use.
    what are the age realted riskd involved?
    He stated that it would increase his height dramtically with prolonged use and with long term use, Aswell as a permanent increase in cell count in most sketal muscular tissue along with most other organs in his body.

    He claimed if ran with a cycle of test using an aromtase inhibitor maximal hieght and sketal msucular gorwth could be achived.

    He had little to back ti up in the way of studies but by popular thery it would make sense. What would not make sense though is that there are no age realtated risks. Or is that true?

    Forgive my poor spelling i'm in a rush.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    How much is he thinking of doing ? There are NO real long term studies on side effects. At 17 he has a very long life ahead of him and needs to consider that. Unfortunately, at 17, he thinks he is invincible and doesnt know his ass from breakfast.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    How much is he thinking of doing ? There are NO real long term studies on side effects. At 17 he has a very long life ahead of him and needs to consider that. Unfortunately, at 17, he thinks he is invincible and doesnt know his ass from breakfast.

  4. #4
    RileyASON is offline New Member
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    I told him he'd end up with giant hands and a giant head think theres any risk of that, he was saying 2iu to start but he mentioned doses as high as 10 ui ed. He also metioned it'd best to take it b4 bed as it takes, 6 hours to kickin and thus it will not surpress his natrual gh production much. I've never heard thgis but i have heard GH is released in pulses throughout the day and night(biggest one being at night) and that gh merely surpresses 1 or 2 of those pulses, so theres no real supression other than temporary. Is this right?

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    I told him he'd end up with giant hands and a giant head think theres any risk of that, he was saying 2iu to start but he mentioned doses as high as 10 ui ed. He also metioned it'd best to take it b4 bed as it takes, 6 hours to kickin and thus it will not surpress his natrual gh production much. I've never heard thgis but i have heard GH is released in pulses throughout the day and night(biggest one being at night) and that gh merely surpresses 1 or 2 of those pulses, so theres no real supression other than temporary. Is this right?
    Where is a 17 yo getting the money to pay for a HGH cycle ? Those sides you mention only really happen when you are on huge doses for long periods of time.

  6. #6
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Sometimes I wonder why we even bother to respond to this kind of post.

  7. #7
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    a younger cousin wants to use gh, i tried tlaking him out of it, but he defended his argument well and i couldn't convince him not to use.
    what are the age realted riskd involved?
    He stated that it would increase his height dramtically with prolonged use and with long term use, Aswell as a permanent increase in cell count in most sketal muscular tissue along with most other organs in his body.

    He claimed if ran with a cycle of test using an aromtase inhibitor maximal hieght and sketal msucular gorwth could be achived.

    He had little to back ti up in the way of studies but by popular thery it would make sense. What would not make sense though is that there are no age realtated risks. Or is that true?

    Forgive my poor spelling i'm in a rush.
    Scoliosis ( curvature of the spine ). Plus many more permanent
    problems. The only way a Doctor will perscribe this is if he is
    a dwarf. May end up with enlarged heart and other organs.

    I think I know where he saw this stuff. There was a TV special about
    young kids who were very tiny and with Doctors gained a inch for
    every fifty to 100 thousand dollars worth of treatment.

    I hope you are not trying to grow some basketball player who will bail
    you out of the middle class.

  8. #8
    RileyASON is offline New Member
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    My friend is scottish and it's a cleche' but he is abit of a gangsta, he's huge and i know he mugs people and i'm fairly sure hes into contract killing. I don't say anything to him cuz he's a complete phyco in some ways, but i'd say he is super smart. Black market contacts means he can get hold of just about anything whether it be guns, drugs or whatever. What would consittue high doses? I.e what dose range should he stay under to avoid organ enlargement and any other freakish sides?

  9. #9
    RileyASON is offline New Member
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    scolosis would that be an inward or outward curvature of the spine?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    HAHHAHAHAAHHAHA this thread is so ****ing funny!

    So your badass friend wants to take hgh to get taller at the age of 17yrs old?

    How short is he? Being the age of still being able to grow it would be very dumb to do HGH not supervised by a docter. He sounds like he has researched some which is good, but if looking like a caveman with bananna fingers is his goal with one leg longer than the other from improper use then go ahead. LOL

  11. #11
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    And don't you find it he's being alittle drastic if concerned about height???
    Most teenagers make big leaps in growth from 16-19yrs old....

  12. #12
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    I know for me, the growth plates on my long bones had long closed by the time I was 16. I would say chances are his long bones have closed the growth plates and taking GH wont do a thing to make him taller. Some of his bones might get thicker, if you do some research you will see that some bones can still grow at that age but chances are he wont get any taller at all. All he is going to do is open himself up to a wide array of side effects.

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    your buddy better see if his growth plates are open,because if they arent, he wont grow a fckn inch

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    I know for me, the growth plates on my long bones had long closed by the time I was 16. I would say chances are his long bones have closed the growth plates and taking GH wont do a thing to make him taller. Some of his bones might get thicker, if you do some research you will see that some bones can still grow at that age but chances are he wont get any taller at all. All he is going to do is open himself up to a wide array of side effects.

    Some ppl grow in height intill there 21yrs old......

    17 yrs old not necessarly fully grown. I grew until I was 18....could have grown alittle more probly...

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    My friend is scottish and it's a cleche' but he is abit of a gangsta, he's huge and i know he mugs people and i'm fairly sure hes into contract killing. I don't say anything to him cuz he's a complete phyco in some ways, but i'd say he is super smart. Black market contacts means he can get hold of just about anything whether it be guns, drugs or whatever. What would consittue high doses? I.e what dose range should he stay under to avoid organ enlargement and any other freakish sides?
    All this at 17 ? High doses would be around 15IU and up

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