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  1. #1
    bigputte's Avatar
    bigputte is offline Associate Member
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    hGH between steroid cycles.......

    Have anyone try to use low dosage of hGH between cycles of steroids ? Like this 8 weeks on steroids and then from 9-16, PCT in normal order, but together with hGH 1-2 ie/day.
    And then at week 17 start up a new 8 weeks steroid cycle.

    Is it waste or good? The reson is to keep as much as possible between the cycles and as a bonus maybe get some fatloose on it to.

    Any comments?

    Example cycle:
    --- start steroid cycle -----------------------------
    week 1-8: 100mg/day oxymethenolone, 200mg/EOD testo prop. 10mg/dag nolvadex .

    ----end steroid cycle and start PCT/bridge--------------
    week 9-10: 100mg/day clomid, 750-1000ie/day pregnyl, 1-2ie/day Jinitropin. 120mcg clenbuterol , 50mcg T3
    week 11-13: 1-2ie/day Jinitropin. 20mg/day nolvadex. . 120mcg clenbuterol, 50mcg T3
    week 14-16: 1-2ie/day Jinitropin. 10mg/day nolvadex, . 120mcg clenbuterol, 50mcg T3

    -----end PCT/bridge and start steroid cycle no: 2 ---------
    week 17-25: 50mg/day dianabol , 50mg/day winstrol , 200mg/EOD nandrolone phenylprop

    ----end steroid cycle and start PCT/bridge--------------
    week 26-7: 100mg/day clomid, 750-1000ie/day pregnyl, 1-2ie/day Jinitropin.. 120mcg clenbuterol, 50mcg T3
    week 28-30: 1-2ie/day Jinitropin. 20mg/day nolvadex, . 120mcg clenbuterol, 50mcg T3
    week 31-33: 1-2ie/day Jinitropin. 10mg/day nolvadex, . 120mcg clenbuterol, 50mcg T3

    -----end PCT/bridge and start steroid cycle no: 3---------

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Yes it works well for staying anticatabolic and recovery but you need to run it continuously not just inbetween like you have listed, it will do little to nothing at 1-2iu/day..
    Try 4-8iu/day continuously year around.. may put a dent in your pocketbook and depending on your level of training and development may not be a great investment. To others like myself, it's worth it. What are you stats? Goals? etc

  3. #3
    bigputte's Avatar
    bigputte is offline Associate Member
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    I have never used hGH before. And I wanted to try a low dosage and then it is also the economy, pretty expensive with hGH year around.

    My stats:
    37 years old
    Training for soon 23 years
    Used steroids from I was 23-24 years old. So I am not a beginner in steroids or training.
    Currently my weight is around 165kg(fat) and 185cm tall.
    Biceps 58-59cm.

    Dont have any really goals, but maybe I will try compete, depends how well my training will go in the next years. I use to have nearly always some injures.

    I am just interested in practise use of hGH between steroid cycles, just for that reson to keep my results and remove some fat.

    I am afraid also to use high dosage of hGH for a long time because of the risk of get a big GH-stomach. :-)

    Regards Putte

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    GH gut is a myth, research it a bit and you'll come to that conclusion as well.

    I'm from the U.S. so I can't figure out in my head the metric system.. how much do you weigh in lbs and how tall are you in inches? What is your current Bodyfat %?

    How is your current dietary plan? Do you include cardio in your training protocol? Both these things will attribute to fatloss much more than a very low dose of GH..
    I've been on 5+ IU/day of GH for the past 10months and my waist came in at 30inches on stage.. so I'd say i've yet to see any a**ominal growth from that dosage. Eating smaller meals amongst other things help to keep the waist-line smaller.

  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigputte
    I have never used hGH before. And I wanted to try a low dosage and then it is also the economy, pretty expensive with hGH year around.

    My stats:
    37 years old
    Training for soon 23 years
    Used steroids from I was 23-24 years old. So I am not a beginner in steroids or training.
    Currently my weight is around 165kg(fat) and 185cm tall.
    Biceps 58-59cm.

    Dont have any really goals, but maybe I will try compete, depends how well my training will go in the next years. I use to have nearly always some injures.

    I am just interested in practise use of hGH between steroid cycles, just for that reson to keep my results and remove some fat.

    I am afraid also to use high dosage of hGH for a long time because of the risk of get a big GH-stomach. :-)

    Regards Putte

    Don't you have a big gut now?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If you're only using hGH between cycles (i.e. for a couple of months or so at a time), then it's more prudent to use something like IGF (I prefer it with MGF). The effects won't take as long to show up, and I think since you're really only bridging for short times between cycles, IGF is a better choice.

  7. #7
    fred9's Avatar
    fred9 is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    if u cant afford hgh for that whole cycle than i would suggest igf...but i really think hgh is great when your going off cycle (so u also have used hgh for a few months)...igf is a nice add-on

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