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  1. #1
    topnotch is offline Member
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    HGH and spaced out feeling

    This question is for my good buddy...he's ran numerous compounds and is a competitive bodybuilder...right now he's 5'10 240 around 10-12% bf....reallly knows his stuff, but just started some growth recently....He's only using 2iu's/day and he says it makes him really spaced out feeling and super tired...i mentioned trying it in the afternoon and he said within 2 hours of taking is when it hits him...he's questioning me about whether he should take it at night which i told him not to...He's running a keto diet, so he asked me to post on here and see if there is any way that these two (keto/hgh) would cause this effect? or if there is a supplement he can take to combat this, or if just throwing in a few carbs would help? He's ran keto many times before and never had this, and when he doesn't take the hgh for his day off he says he doesnt have this feeling at all....

    any feedback or help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    topnotch is offline Member
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  3. #3
    2bshredded's Avatar
    2bshredded is offline Member
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    I've been on HGH I've been on the Keto diet, but not at the same time. I know from experience that the Keto diet will make you a little spacy.......if he's in the first 5-10 days of it I would say that's the issue, nit the growth.

  4. #4
    topnotch is offline Member
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    he's been running keto for months...he's done it a lot and is really in tune with his body...he's not some idiot with this stuff, that's why he asked me to ask on here...i've not felt it at all

  5. #5
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
    BIGSNOR is offline Associate Member
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    These are very common side effects of GH useage. it lowers blood sugar to some extent. just tell him to quit bein a ***** and drink a cup of coffee. i've been on GH for 7 months and i still get it every single day when I take mine. you just have to learn to live with it. with some people it will get better or go away on its own.

  6. #6
    MacDad22 is offline Junior Member
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    There are a couple of common side effects that your friend might be experiencing...

    1. Lower basal body temperature due to thyroid inhibition/retardation from RHGH. I know this to be true for my body and I counter with a small amount of T3 every day and boy what a difference it made. You have to be careful here and do significant research and analysis as T3 or T4 are very powerful synthetic hormones.

    2. Water retention, especially early on in GH therapy. This can cause slightly higher blood pressure.

    3. Insulin resistance, which is why man recommend carbs to be avoided pre and post injection for a couple of hours.

    DISCLAIMER- I am not a Doctor nor giving medical advice. Please have your friend do his own research and I would advise your friend to take any medications or hormones under the supervision of his personal doctor.


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