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Thread: Insulin

  1. #1
    Columbus's Avatar
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    Very unfamiliar with slin and wanted some feedback for knoweldge purposes.

    is it as dangerous as people say?

    Are the beneifts great?

    The legal form Huma - from say wallmart....

    I know carb conent is etremely imporatant as is not sleeping, but just wanted to know if the befeits truly outweigh the negs.........

  2. #2
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm tempted to lock this thread Columbus.

    Stop looking for a crutch.

    Slin is not for you...assuming this thread is with reference to your own desire to try the compound.

    AAS are not for you.

    Consistency is.

    I'll leave this thread open however.


  3. #3
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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    you have my word..........ive seen it and willl never ever touch it....just curious

  4. #4
    badboy247's Avatar
    badboy247 is offline Junior Member
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    slin is dangerous, its easily the most dangerous substance bodybuilders will EVER use. hyperglycemia-coma-death. ok it can be used safely and many use it with hgh but very risky carb sensitivity.

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
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    Must be extremely dedicated and educated.

  6. #6
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by badboy247
    slin is dangerous, its easily the most dangerous substance bodybuilders will EVER use. hyperglycemia-coma-death. ok it can be used safely and many use it with hgh but very risky carb sensitivity.
    that's hypoglycemia.....and doing research is very important ..don't start until you know what you are using

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would say the benefits are not worth the side effects, but it does help the recovery process.


  8. #8
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I would say the benefits are not worth the side effects, but it does help the recovery process.

    I don't agree with that, I've used it with moderation and was pleased by the results,def gonna use in the futre as well...

  9. #9
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Slin is a waste of time IMO and dangerous if misused.

    I've used it and will never use it again, just a little FYI.

  10. #10
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Slin is a waste of time IMO and dangerous if misused.

    I've used it and will never use it again, just a little FYI.

    please explain

  11. #11
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    As long as it is used resopnsibaly it’s safe. Misuse it and you could die! Simple as that. One must be extremely well educated before going near slin.

    I know a guy who used it on a cut his first time round and went seriously hypo because of trying to consume as little carbs as possible. You first run of slin should not be on a cut and you should consume a very generous amount of carb.

  12. #12
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I don’t mean to say slin can’t be used on a cut although I personally do not think it is a good idea even for an experienced user. It’s use while bulking is not bad provided you are not afraid of a little fat.

    I believe amny people are misled and expect too much from slin. It is high anabolic but does not give gains that you would expect from a high anabolic drug. It’s use for gains is limited but many find it useful for aiding recovery.

  13. #13
    twiney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Slin is a waste of time IMO and dangerous if misused.

    I've used it and will never use it again, just a little FYI.

    Please tell more

  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Possible insulin induced coma if used improperly (not a probable thing but it can happen).
    Possibly causing type II diabetes in certain individuals from improper use or from prolonged use (haven't seen any research backing this nor disproving this, but is it worth the chance?)
    Unpreventable fat gain.
    Inconvienence of having to eat after injections for a certain timeframe.

    Possibly a bit more nutrients shuttles to muscles (and fat if diet isn't on point).
    Possibility of gaining a tad bit more muscle tissue from increased nutrient absorbtion? (still not proven)
    Weight gain (not necessarily muscle)
    Anticatabolic effects while dieting and PWO.
    Can't think of many more benefits, it's one of those drugs like clen that I feel just isn't worth the risks compared to the benefits.
    Then again I'm one of those guys who worries and cares a lot about my health and others around me that take drugs to better their physiques. Not asking anyone to agree here.

  15. #15
    twiney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    Possible insulin induced coma if used improperly (not a probable thing but it can happen).
    Possibly causing type II diabetes in certain individuals from improper use or from prolonged use (haven't seen any research backing this nor disproving this, but is it worth the chance?)
    Unpreventable fat gain.
    Inconvienence of having to eat after injections for a certain timeframe.

    Possibly a bit more nutrients shuttles to muscles (and fat if diet isn't on point).
    Possibility of gaining a tad bit more muscle tissue from increased nutrient absorbtion? (still not proven)
    Weight gain (not necessarily muscle)
    Anticatabolic effects while dieting and PWO.
    Can't think of many more benefits, it's one of those drugs like clen that I feel just isn't worth the risks compared to the benefits.
    Then again I'm one of those guys who worries and cares a lot about my health and others around me that take drugs to better their physiques. Not asking anyone to agree here.

    Thanks for the great post

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Canibal
    I don't agree with that, I've used it with moderation and was pleased by the results,def gonna use in the futre as well...
    You are obviously going to get mixed reviews regarding insulin use as everybody reacts differently. In this case, you are one of those that like insulin and I am one of those that don't.

    Inuslin has never brought me strength or weight gain gains and I have used it alone and with other compounds for years now. So you are probably wondering why the hell I use it at all then. Well to answer that, I can tell you that I trule believe that insulin is beneficial for recovery purposes and that is it, and that is the only reason why I choose to use insulin. I have never known of anyone that has used insulin and reported major strength and weight gains. So as i**mfkr said, it really is a waste of time because all it does is aid in recovery, but as I said, everyone reacts differently therfore not everybody will agree to what I am saying.


  17. #17
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    You are obviously going to get mixed reviews regarding insulin use as everybody reacts differently. In this case, you are one of those that like insulin and I am one of those that don't.

    Inuslin has never brought me strength or weight gain gains and I have used it alone and with other compounds for years now. So you are probably wondering why the hell I use it at all then. Well to answer that, I can tell you that I trule believe that insulin is beneficial for recovery purposes and that is it, and that is the only reason why I choose to use insulin. I have never known of anyone that has used insulin and reported major strength and weight gains. So as i**mfkr said, it really is a waste of time because all it does is aid in recovery, but as I said, everyone reacts differently therfore not everybody will agree to what I am saying.

    very interesting posts....'s weird....though it never gave me any strength ..the weight gain was considerable(a part is that is fat though my diet was strict, I used actrapid 8 H is a lot of time..), a partner of mine in the gym had impressive strength gains...everybody 's different

  18. #18
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    I think this would be dangerous for Columbus to use, since he seems to have issues about consuming enough calories. When using this stuff you have to let go of your fear of getting fat and take in plentiful carbs after you inject.

  19. #19
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    He has no business using slin or even gear for that matter IMO.

  20. #20
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    IN your walls
    why would you get hypo sides while having low blood sugar?

  21. #21
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyhorse666
    why would you get hypo sides while having low blood sugar?
    because you took slin and didnt have enough carbs with it. Slin will lower blood sugar dramatically. If you do not add enough carbs it will become dangerously low and many very serious sides begin to occur. One of those sides is death.

  22. #22
    hardcorpcomp's Avatar
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    Slin is really a different beast. I found it awsome to use during PCT and off cycles as it helps keep your pumps and seems to lessen the weight loss during off cycles. I think it is an awsome tool for several reasons.

    #1 It is differrent then AAS so when you take it you can tell the difference and the results are unique
    #2 Can be a great weight gain aid. I personally have a hard time gaining too much fat and while on slin I finally get to "bulk up a bit"
    #3 It can really kickstart a dead or dying appetite from oral use aka drol


    Myself, I love it and will run it 3-4 on 3-4 off almost all year.

  23. #23
    BIG_T_MC06's Avatar
    BIG_T_MC06 is offline Associate Member
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    I**mfkr i disagree with your statement that using slin is a waste of time, but as previously mentioned it's not for eveyone.

    I have used it several times with great results in both PCT and whilst on cycle.

    I like using it because if forces you to be extra dedicated with reguards to eating as you have to eat whilst its active, just helps keep me on course if ya get what i mean.

    The issue about diabeties is still a bit shakey in my head as i have yet to read any convincing evidence about it or meet any other slin user who has become diabetic. I know people who have used it 3 times per day on a complex protocal for a long period of time and have created no insulin resistance at all.

    Columbus don't think its for you though bro, stat away.


  24. #24
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Insulin is only good when you research what exactly it can do for your training... and then apply it with a purpose. Just randomly taking insulin won't generate major changes... might even make ya fat(ter).

  25. #25
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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    Friggn relax boys....geesus....don't tell me whats for me and what isn't. I'm not an idiot....Inslin is a very dangerous game and I will NEVER attempt to mess with it....just my .02ml............just want to get some insight on it for intellectual purposes and as yo see, it sparked some good next inveestigation is MGF and IGF-L

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