View Poll Results: success w/ LR3 IGF-1
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used it post cycle and kept cycle gains
1 12.50% -
used it in conjunction w/ AAS and accelerated gains
1 12.50% -
lost bf while maintaining gains
4 50.00% -
didnt do a dam thing
2 25.00%
Thread: negative feedback on IGF-1 (LR3)
01-23-2007, 11:30 AM #1
negative feedback on IGF-1 (LR3)
if you go back on the IGF forum and search you will find a lot of threads with people like Pinn stating that LR3 IGF-1 is pretty much worthless and some even say it tested as rat insulin . can we try and clear this up???? who has used it w/ success that they can definatly attribute to the peptide. i understand the theory behind the peptide but is it practicle? and does it do what it is supposed to, has it made you next AAS cycle more effective? have you lost bf while maintaining muscle mass? iis it worth running in PCT?
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