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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Study: GH for PCT!

    The medical community cracks me up. They just did a study on people who previously used anabolic steroids , and checked out whether it helped them psychologically and physically when they were abstinant from the gear. It worked, and it did. Meanwhile, we've known about using GH when we're off a cycle, adding GH (or IGF) into PCT for a decade now....

    Recombinant human growth hormone in abstinent androgenic-anabolic steroid use: psychological, endocrine and trophic factor effects. Department of Exercise and Health Science, School of Applied Science, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales, United Kingdom. [email protected]
    This study examined whether six days recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) affected psychological profile in an abstinent androgenic -anabolic steroid (AAS) abusing group, compared with an abstinent AAS control group. Male subjects (n = 48) were assigned in a random fashion into one of two groups: (1): (n=24) control group (C); (2): (n=24) rhGH group (GH). A hospital anxiety scale (HADS) questionnaire was completed by all subjects. Physiological responses investigated included anthropometry. Biochemical markers examined included; serum glucose, sodium, urea, lipid profile, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), homocysteine (HCY), tetra-iodothyronine (T4), thyroid stimulating (TSH), luteinising (LH) and follicle stimulating (FSH) hormones, testosterone (T), prolactin (PRL), cortisol and insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-I). HADS questionnaire significantly decreased in both anxiety (A) and depression (D) symptoms within GH (P<0.017) and compared with C (P<0.05). Body mass index (BMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) significantly increased (both P<0.017) while body fat significantly decreased within GH (P<0.017). IGF-I significantly increased within GH (P<0.017) and significantly increased compared with C (P<0.05). Serum sodium significantly increased (P<0.017) and serum HCY, hsCRP, TSH and T4, significantly decreased within GH (all P<0.017). PRL significantly increased and T4 significantly decreased compared with C (both P<0.05). The findings of this study suggest that short term use of rhGH has beneficial effects on mental state in individuals who were previous abusers of AAS and appeared to have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular risk markers associated with adverse mental health.

  2. #2
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    anywhere my son lives

    did you read this one AR? sorry to hijack

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Yup. Clotting time is lengthened with AAS use...there's certainly potential for cardiovascular issues when you mess with things like that, but I don't think it's huge reason for concern.

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