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  1. #1
    tempbrit's Avatar
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    IGF - Turtle Shell Gut

    Ok, so I am a regular Gh user. I am currently running 4ius 5/2. I will run this for probably 6-12 months. I am an older guy (40) and need the little boost.

    I ran a couple of good IGF cycles in the past, but haven't done any since because of "Turtle Gut" fears. Basically, I was told never to run GH and IGF together. I also was told that GH can in fact give you Turtle Gut as well. I pride myself on my abs and would hate to lose that look through IGF or even excessive GH.

    Is this complete hype or is there truth to this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i know gh can give you turtle gut but i beleive that is at high doses over long peroids of time. i have not heard of igf doing this but im not an expert. gear will know.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    4IU at your age is a good dose, it's certainly more than enough if you are after just a boost. You should get some nice gains from that.

    The last thing you want is the turtle gut (GH belly). It certainly doesn't look very nice IMO. However, like rabidsquirrel said, unless you have used high doses of GH for extended periods of time, then you shouldn't have to worry. The GH belly is a major side effect, it does not occur as easy as acne when using AAS.

    You don't have to worry about your abs though, you won't loose them. They just get pushed out. If anything, you'll have better looking abs because the GH will help with fat loss, but your actual belly will stick out more.

    I am in no position to say you are safe, because none of the drugs we use are safe, but I do know that side effects such as the GH belly don't usually occur after one GH cycle.

    All my boys have been using GH for years, all use high doses and none of them have a GH belly except for one, but he is almost pro and has been on GH for about 10yrs.


  4. #4
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    Thanks Gear.

    Just a follow-up, is there more risk if you run GH and IGF together of getting Turtle gut? I thought I read that IGF simply increases the cause of getting Turtle gut when running GH along with it.

    I am probably confusing the point, but I really liked IGF previously, but don't want the gut.

    Again, I am going to run 4ius for at least a year. Would it hurt if I did a cycle or two of IGF (say 50mcgs over a 30 day period). Is that going to put me in jeapordy of getting the dreaded gut? Sorry for the paranoia.

  5. #5
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    I presume by IGF you mean IGF-1 LR3, if so I could be wrong but I thought it was generally accepted that it was IGF-2, not IGF-1, that caused smooth muscle (i.e. intestines) to grow.

    Can anyone confirm this?

  6. #6
    tempbrit's Avatar
    tempbrit is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    I presume by IGF you mean IGF-1 LR3, if so I could be wrong but I thought it was generally accepted that it was IGF-2, not IGF-1, that caused smooth muscle (i.e. intestines) to grow.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    I would like to see if anyone can confirm this. I too had come across the same understanding.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Thanks Gear.

    Just a follow-up, is there more risk if you run GH and IGF together of getting Turtle gut? I thought I read that IGF simply increases the cause of getting Turtle gut when running GH along with it.

    I am probably confusing the point, but I really liked IGF previously, but don't want the gut.

    Again, I am going to run 4ius for at least a year. Would it hurt if I did a cycle or two of IGF (say 50mcgs over a 30 day period). Is that going to put me in jeapordy of getting the dreaded gut? Sorry for the paranoia.
    It has been a while since I have discussed this issue so I'll try and explain in simple terms. This is how I see it anyway, if anyone else has a different point of view do state it please.

    The primarily compound which is responsible for the turtle gut is HGH. The HGH is released from the liver as IGF-1, and IGF-1 has the potential of increasing new muscle tissue. Also, IGF-1 can encourage skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Each organ consists of skeletal muscle tissue and having said this does it not mean that IGF-1 is responsible for the GH gut (organ growth)? So wether you use HGH alone or with something else, if you use excessive amounts for extended periods of time then you might bump into the turtle gut issue.

    If you are using IGF-1, then once again you could bump into the turtle gut issue since IGF-1 has the potential of increasing muscle tissue/skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Remeber, organs and muscle consist of many different tissues such as connective tissue, blood tissue and skeletal muscle tissue.

    IGF-1LR3 is IGF-1 that has been modified. IGF-1 and IGF-1LR3 are very similar. IGF-1 contains a 70 amino acid chain where as IGF-1LR3 contains a 13 amino acid extension making it more powerfull than IGF-1.

    As I said, for such side effect to occur it usually takes a lot more than one cycle. I highly doubt you will have any issues if you run a one IGF cycle. I have ran plenty at high doses and never had any problems.

    I think you are being paranoid but the questions you are asking are very important. I believe you are on the safe side for now.

    Hope that wasn't too confusing.


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