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Thread: Igf Lr3

  1. #1
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    Igf Lr3

    if i was to inject my "geana pig" with a cycle that included IGF LR3 and also test enanthate and deca and also d-bol, what kind of results might i see? and also when should i administer it to him to see the best results and for how long? 40units post workout for 5 weeks?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You might see a bigger, stronger,pisssed off "geana pig".Has this "geana pig" every trained or cycled before?How old is it?"geana pigs" should be at least into there mid "20's"

    Igf is overated and if you arent going to add HGH or keep cycling the IGF on and off.It would be a waste of money.Protocol is 4 weeks on weeks off and 40-80mcg ED PWO injects

    That being said maybe this is the wrong forum.

  3. #3
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    well im not going to administer it to the geana pig yet.....just doing research on it.... thinking about it far later down the road. it will take from now untill then, i think, to get the knowlage to do it right. hopefully the guina pig will have 6 cycles under his belt by then and be over 25......

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RBIZZY View Post
    well im not going to administer it to the geana pig yet.....just doing research on it.... thinking about it far later down the road. it will take from now untill then, i think, to get the knowlage to do it right. hopefully the guina pig will have 6 cycles under his belt by then and be over 25......
    This "geana pig"(pretty sure this is not how to spell this) needs to have his diet and training perfect while he is researching and before starting any cycle.

  5. #5
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    most def..... from what i read, its an "expert" drug and not for the occasional user. i would still like to wait a while and see if there are any "long term" effects that start to show up....... if someone was going to administer it to there "lab rat", thats easier, and didnt really want to bother with slin or GHG than could they get great results if they had there bf% in check with the right diet and workout... ive read somewhere that you could see a increase in muscle and strenght up to 30%.... thats pretty good. and it apears the sides are minimul as long as you dont abuse...

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You will get some really nice size, weight and strength gains from that cycle, providing you do everything right of course. If it's your first time with IGF, start on 40mcg PD PWO IM.


  7. #7
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    You will get some really nice size, weight and strength gains from that cycle, providing you do everything right of course. If it's your first time with IGF, start on 40mcg PD PWO IM.

    thanks GEAR, your always a help. if someone were to use it, but wanted to start off slow, and by slow i mean one 5 week cycle per aas and pct cycle, would it be better to administer it in the begining of the cycle to help kick start it or during pct to help keep gains or towards the end of the cycle to give someone one last big gain??? thanks

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you are the type who has no issues keeping gains post cycle then I would use it in the first 4 weeks. If you have troubles keeping gains post cycle then I would defenitely use IGF through PCT.

    Best of luck.


  9. #9
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    im still debeting.....if i saved it for the pct, which by the way i would also be taking HCG , nolva and aromasin , would i just pretty much stay stable at the wieght and not have any losses, or would i still gain. and if i would gain, about how much, give or take..."guesstamit"

  10. #10
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Im thiknking of the same exact thing right now.........if it is 4 weeks on and 4 off couldnt you run 4 weeks at the beggining and 4 during pct and then continue this pattern? Would this even be worthe the money?

  11. #11
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    from what i have read that is pretty close to the perferred way of doing it...

    so does anyone have input on the gains you would make on it during pct,(with nolva, HCG , aromasin ) after a cycle of test e, d-bol and deca ? would you make good gains or just not loose anything and stay at where you are........

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It's hard to say what to expect post cycle as everyone reacts differently but adding IGF in PCT certainly won't do any harm.


  13. #13
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    thanks gear, your the best.

  14. #14
    Gear's Avatar
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    All the best.


  15. #15
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    alright, after staying up all night doing research, exhosting, i think i found the best administeration, correct me if im wrong.... since IGF actually splits the muscle cells and creates more muscle as oppose to just making the ones you have bigger, than it would probally be best to just use it in the first 4-5 weeks of a aas cycle that way when the long estered test and deca start to kick in, the new muscle cells you created with the IGF will become larger with the aas.... as oppose to using it in the pct.... using it in the begining will cause the new muscle cells you created to grow larger where as if you used it in the end your new muscle cells would be there but not as large for they have no aas to help make them larg... does this sound correct to you?

  16. #16
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    well IGF1 will do that but in order for them to grow you need nutrients like protein and such. The juice just helps fill out the new muscle cells better, but i do agree with making better gains possibly before cycle, or what you could do is use the IGF (on a high calorie diet) 4 weeks before you even start your cycle so you have a jump start....

  17. #17
    RBIZZY is offline Member
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    i never thought of that... good point!

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