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  1. #1
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ninja dojo, UK

    critique on my possible first GH cycle:

    i am considering experimenting with HGH over the summer, have always wanted to use it, but at this period of my life I am not willing or comfortably able to spend the necessary cash that I would have to in order to run my ideal course (6 months atleast, 8-10 iu's 5 days a week, which would equate to a minimum of 960iu's). This would ofcourse be accompanied by 2 AAS cycles throughout, and likely IGF in some capacity, so you can imagine the money that I would need to throw at that one. Plus, at 22 years old, I feel I will hold off for afew more years on a mass-minded GH cycle.

    Anywho, I will experiment with GH over the summer, just to see what kind of effect it has on me, and to see if it is worth me running it at higher doses without adding IGF.

    I was thinking of running 4iu's HGH 5 days per week for 12 weeks, with the goal of adding muscle and leaning out, maybe throwing some slin in the mix also (10iu's after training). I would also run AAS throughout, likely Test, tren and deca .

    Looking at the above cycle proposal (posh word that), is there any immediate problems that come to mind?

    My diet would be the same as it is now, which is roughly 3500-4000cals ED, moderate carbs, moderate to low fat intake and around 300g Protein. I would tweak this depending on results or lack thereof.

    Obviously I will be doing alot more reading specifically on this subject, particularly insulin , as it scares me lol.

    I am 22, 5'9 195-200lbs.

  2. #2
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is just my opinion, but hopefully with many posts you will be able to make up your mind. First, I think many people exaggerate the effects of HGH. Dont get me wrong, they are great. But, the effects are very subtle and do not effect us as many common AAS cycles. When you said you will gain mass and lean out for the first 12 weeks, you really need the first 12 weeks to get it in your system. I am not sure after 3 months you will even notice any effects of the HGH. If so, they will just be starting. I am 37 and it is a little harder for me to get the fat off as when I was younger. The HGH makes it a little easier, but is very minor. I know in many ways it seems like a wonder drug and if you had money to burn I may say what the hell. But if you consider it expensive, I believe you will have wished you saved your money after seeing the results. But you may have such good results from the other work you are doing and not able to distinguish between what caused what. But, if you could separate all of the benefits, I think the HGH would be so minor you would not choose to do it. In any event, it is just my 2 cents. Good luck with what ever you choose.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    At 22 you should defenitely hold of a bit longer. You can still take advantage of your natural abilities at your age plus using HGH at 22 will require some pretty high doses if you are after impressive gains.

    Once again, at your age, 4IU for 12 weeks won't do much. You may experience some fat loss, but I would not count on gaining any muscle because your cycle is too short and you are not taking enough for muscle mass.

    Adding insulin is a great idea but of course you must be educated before use. You will find that most of your strength and size gains throughout that 12 weeks will come from the AAS, not HGH or insulin.


  4. #4
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ninja dojo, UK
    all good replies and much appreciated. Just to clear up something: I was not expecting to gain any muscle from the GH on 4iu's. I have been giving it more thought, and will either just spend the cash on the full planned cycle (6 months minimum, 8-10 iu's 5 days a week), or hold off for 2-3 years. More than likely the latter option. Thanks again fellas, and if I do indeed indulge in the potential delights of GH, all will be documented on here.
    Last edited by Timm1704; 01-04-2008 at 09:40 AM.

  5. #5
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    We look forward to hearing your opinions and results when you have completed either.
    Good luck.

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