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Thread: No sides yet ??

  1. #1
    scottroxx's Avatar
    scottroxx is offline Associate Member
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    No sides yet ??

    I am just finishing my second month of being on saizen, I started at 3iu's EOD for a month now I am on 4iu EOD and have experienced no sides at all?? I think I might be loosing weight but hard to tell as I am not eating very clean but still can see some definition and so forth. When should I expect to see sides, I hear about guys having sides within weeks. Hope my gears the real deal.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx View Post
    I am just finishing my second month of being on saizen, I started at 3iu's EOD for a month now I am on 4iu EOD and have experienced no sides at all?? I think I might be loosing weight but hard to tell as I am not eating very clean but still can see some definition and so forth. When should I expect to see sides, I hear about guys having sides within weeks. Hope my gears the real deal.....
    Dude, taking it EOD may not be enough for sides. That's like 3 times a week, at 4iu/day which is 12 iu/ week. That's not even a replacement dose given your size and age.

    Try taking it 5 on 2 off at 3iu/day and you might start noticing something.

    That's my bit, anyway...

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Not everyone gets side effects, and the amount you are taking isn't a very big amount. Trying using HGH ED, or 5/2 at least.


  4. #4
    scottroxx's Avatar
    scottroxx is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guyz, I will bump it up to 4iu 5/2 as suggested and see what happens, I have 4 1/2 bottles left at 24iu p/bottle, so thats enough at 4iu to last for around 5 weeks. Will that be enough time to see see or feel something happening as I have been on for the last 2 months as well?? I am pretty skeptical now that it might be fake stuff !!! Seems its a 50/50 at this point in the postings. i will post my results as i get them !!

  5. #5
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    take a pregancy test. most of the time the fake stuff is hcg . if your positive then its fake.

  6. #6
    scottroxx's Avatar
    scottroxx is offline Associate Member
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    another guy on here who has the identical stuff tried a pregnancy test on it and was neg. for hcg !!

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