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Thread: newbie

  1. #1
    johjjps is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008


    i am 48, in good shape and health, need to know what levels i should shoot for w test and hgh. i am on andro gel, and just had igf test. dont know test level numbers. dont want to get huge, just want recovery, and more explosive workouts. i am 6-2, 213. thanks

  2. #2
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    North West UK
    Try shooting some test Cyp. For recovery just shoot 300mg split into 2 injections. Cyp got a long ester so only needs to be shot twice a week, this will work fine with your hgh and andro gel. How long are you running your hgh?

  3. #3
    johjjps is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008


    i havent got the hgh yet, i am curious what the level is that the doc wil prescribe it for me. and what level am i shooting for, with both test and hgh. thanx for responding

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by johjjps View Post
    i havent got the hgh yet, i am curious what the level is that the doc wil prescribe it for me. and what level am i shooting for, with both test and hgh. thanx for responding
    Your doctor will likely give you something like 50mg testosterone cypionate per week, and maybe 1 IU hgh / day. Not really much at all...I'd look for a source.

  5. #5
    johjjps is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    im not explaining myself. i am looking to get a script for hgh.what is considered low level, that would designate low gh for a 48 yr old? what level of gh should i be shooting for an elevated level? what is considered high but manageable level of test? i am on androgel pump. not sure how much a week. are injections better? thank you fro bearing w me

  6. #6
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    After the age of approximately 36 you are able to get a script for HGH. With regards to test, it will depend on your blood work. I was prescribed 100mg of test per week and 1.5 IU's and I am 37. I like to take about 4 IU's per day of the HGH though.

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