I´ve just finished my hgh / aas cycle plan und would be very grateful for any tips / recommendations, since its my first gh run.

some data : 31 ys old, 5`11 , ~ 220 lbs, bf ~ 14 %
training for 15 years with short breaks , aas exprience ~ 8 years ( short cycles)

Im planning to run gh ( starting with 2 i.U.s 5 on / 2 off), testo E ( starting with 600 mg e5d ) and tren E ( 300 mg e4d), no slin, some t3/4 ( combination product) , just in case.

2 i.u.s are fine with me, planning to go up to 3 i.u`s after ~ 2months ( not necessary if there are any results with 2) and maybe even 4 i.u`s .
complete gh duration is 6 - 8 months, depending on the results.

Since I train in the morning, I plan to get up, have BF, take my gh 2 hrs afterwards, work out and have my pwn.

I am a little unsure about the aas cycle , several people tell me that its preferrable to begin with the GH , others tell me to start with aas.
In any case, I plan to stay on aas for the full gh cycle and even 2 months afterwards - or do you think that 2 shorter cycles would be better ?

is it okay to use some t3/t4 component (bitiron) for 4 to 6 weeks or would that influence my results too much ?

another thing I`d like to minimize is the water - I dont want to look like captain moonface, do you have any tips for me ? ( I know that testo p would have been preferrable, but since I plan to go up to 1g test / week, the frequent injections scared me off).

so please - give me some advice.
