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Thread: my dad and HGH

  1. #1
    flywytegye is offline Junior Member
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    my dad and HGH

    I haven't posted in quite a while, but I am researching on behalf of my father. He is 43, has never been a bodybuilder, prob not even lifted weights or exercised his whole life. he's been having issues with neck, back, skin, libido, etc...signs of aging. I got him HGH since his doctors would not. I want him to stack with AAS. he is 185 lbs and in decent physical shape. he has dedicated himself to hitting weights ED recently, and most cardio will come from punching bag/speed bag and jumping rope. what would be the best AS for him? he doesn't need massive size gains or water retention. at first i was thinking test prop, 50mg EOD but now i'm leaning toward winny. I wouldn't say both bc he doesn't need to stack. he will be very receptive to a minimal dosage, I believe. how should he start of on the growth? 2 or 3 iu/per day, or mon-fri only? dosage increased after a few weeks?

  2. #2
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    dangerous ground youre on there friend
    i wouldnt be throwing hgh into the mix just yet,i wouldnt think it a good idea at all
    if youre dads still training 6mths down the road then i would maybe consider a dose of test e or cyp over 12-14wks followed by a pct
    he will see much better results with hgh in the mix but it aint cheap and best run over 8-12mths for best results
    best of luck and hope it works out for youre dad

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    To be honest, at 43 there is a good chance the right doctor would hook him up, I would pursue that route were it me.

  4. #4
    flywytegye is offline Junior Member
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    thank you for the responses guys. i understand about the whole lack of experience and uncharted territories, etc. My pops has been reading quite a bit on the HGH, it was totally his idea and i said I could hook him up and find the necessary info. like i said, he isn't training to bodybuild. he wants to get stronger, lean out his mass and stabilize the joints and maybe repair some tissue. he has several docs and all they do is drop pills, they are all anti-gh/steroids . he said hes going to gamble and get it done himself lol. i think test cyp, enant, etc would just be too much change too fast. he wants to be somewhat discreet. i'm still thinking test prop, tren , or winny. i will read up on igf-1. that may be better than gh. but he's doing this guys so more input is necessary, as i want him to get awesome results and get to feeling better

  5. #5
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i firmly believe that a 250-500mg weekly dose of test enanthate for 10-12 weeks would be the best. It would make him feel young again, especially with the GH. You say he doesnt want drastic size gains, a low dose and a good anti-estrogen would minimise water retention, and he wouldnt explode with muscle in 10 weeks.

    Going for winny or tren alone would shut him down without replacing the testosterone , and there is a risk that he would feel crappy, and as you say stacking wouldnt be a good idea (which I agree with) I would say test alone would be exactly what you are looking for and it would result in a very effective 'feel-good' cycle
    Last edited by Timm1704; 03-16-2008 at 02:49 PM.

  6. #6
    flywytegye is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    i firmly believe that a 250-500mg weekly dose of test enanthate for 10-12 weeks would be the best. It would make him feel young again, especially with the GH. You say he doesnt want drastic size gains, a low dose and a good anti-estrogen would minimise water retention, and he wouldnt explode with muscle in 10 weeks.

    Going for winny or tren alone would shut him down without replacing the testosterone, and there is a risk that he would feel crappy, and as you say stacking wouldnt be a good idea (which I agree with) I would say test alone would be exactly what you are looking for and it would result in a very effective 'feel-good' cycle
    that's the response i was looking for! very well put. thank you sir

  7. #7
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    as for the GH, 2 iu's to start would be good I believe, and likely best to run 5 days on, 2 days off, give his pituitary gland time to return to normal function . Depending on how he responds to the GH dosage (which may not become apparent for several months) you could raise the dosage, but for what you are looking for 2-3 iu's should be adequate for the anti-aging benefits

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You are best of taking this thread to the HRT forum. There are many members there who are your father's age and are currently on HRT. In most cases 2 - 3IU of HGH and a few hundred milligrams of a long acting test per week would be all he needs.


  9. #9
    flywytegye is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    You are best of taking this thread to the HRT forum. There are many members there who are your father's age and are currently on HRT. In most cases 2 - 3IU of HGH and a few hundred milligrams of a long acting test per week would be all he needs.


    sounds good. it won't take much. and adding an ancillary to combat bloat or water retention. we're all done here. thanks for the input fellas!

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