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  1. #1
    MacDad22 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    ********** vs. Jintropin

    It's been a while since I posted, but about 2 years ago I did a 9 month cycle of Jins and frankly the only reason I stopped was due to all the international travel I was doing.

    Last week I got a batch of Hyge's in from a source, mixed up a vial, and started a couple days on 1 iu with the plan to up an iu every week based on reactions to sides until I was at 3iu ED 6/1. After my second day I had significant sides in the form of a headache that felt like a sinus headache ( and I guess could have been ), but it's rare that I have headaches.

    I tested my BP and Blood Glucose thinking that one of them might have been the cause and all seemed ok, I stopped, and late the following day the dull headache went away.

    After doing some research on the net I came across some claims that Hyge's where higher in powder per mg.. ie. 1.65 in the Hyge's and 1.33 in the Jins. Being the scientific person I am I decided to compare to unused vials of both. Their appears to be about 15% more powder in the Hyge's which are label'd 8 iu's vs. the Jin's being labels 10 ius.. that being said if the powder is technically the same composotion a 191 amino acid then the hyge's are almost 2x as strong on IU vs IU comparison, which might have caused the side effect I felt as I generally ramp up due to the fact that I'm older and have been diagnosed with androgenous low IGF / HGH...

    Any thoughts? or am I way off base?

    Last edited by MacDad22; 03-19-2008 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    MacDad22 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Hyges v. Jins

    Bump.. no one has experienced this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I don't believe that the powder is pure GH, but there is some type of filler as well, because theoretically speaking if it was how you calculated it, the powder disk itself would weigh 3.3mg for 10iu....which is a very very very small.

  4. #4
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MacDad22 View Post
    It's been a while since I posted, but about 2 years ago I did a 9 month cycle of Jins and frankly the only reason I stopped was due to all the international travel I was doing.

    Last week I got a batch of Hyge's in from a source, mixed up a vial, and started a couple days on 1 iu with the plan to up an iu every week based on reactions to sides until I was at 3iu ED 6/1. After my second day I had significant sides in the form of a headache that felt like a sinus headache ( and I guess could have been ), but it's rare that I have headaches.

    I tested my BP and Blood Glucose thinking that one of them might have been the cause and all seemed ok, I stopped, and late the following day the dull headache went away.

    After doing some research on the net I came across some claims that Hyge's where higher in powder per mg.. ie. 1.65 in the Hyge's and 1.33 in the Jins. Being the scientific person I am I decided to compare to unused vials of both. Their appears to be about 15% more powder in the Hyge's which are label'd 8 iu's vs. the Jin's being labels 10 ius.. that being said if the powder is technically the same composotion a 191 amino acid then the hyge's are almost 2x as strong on IU vs IU comparison, which might have caused the side effect I felt as I generally ramp up due to the fact that I'm older and have been diagnosed with androgenous low IGF / HGH...

    Any thoughts? or am I way off base?

    If you notice that once you add the bac water into the Hyge vials the powder disappears instantly like it was kinda fluffy. For the Jins the powder seems more compacted and takes a bit to dissolve completely.

    Thats just something that I noticed. Luckily, I am still sitting on the Jin AQ's before RAW DEAL. Still debating on when I should start back up again.

    As for the sides I never had sides like that. I would get a little rush sometimes but nothing negative. I just got the usual sides like stiff joints in my hands and feets.

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