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  1. #1
    bigkeane's Avatar
    bigkeane is offline New Member
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    new but been looking around... need some advice or opinions from the pros

    All you guys must read a lot of these so i'll try and keep it short!

    25-6ft-260 about 13-15%b/f

    have done a few aas cycles and now plunging into the peptides looking for opinion on this cycle might be a bit intense but not sure.

    using hgh as a base ramping up to 5 i.u's a day that i would take for up to a year while doing-

    8 weeks --- lr3igf-1 bilateral injections 5 day per week + peg mgf 2 days

    4-8 weeks AAS... not sure what, maybe a simple test, deca winstrol

    3-4 weeks off


    Hope this makes sense lol keep in mind I am looking to lean out as well.. what do you experts think!!


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    What do you want to achieve?


  3. #3
    bigkeane's Avatar
    bigkeane is offline New Member
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    Well i was hoping to stay around the same weight maybe less 10-12 lbs but reduce my body fat and work on some minor troubled areas and more or less see what my body is capable of. If all works out maybe do the "fame show" up here this time next year. I've always been the big guy that out benches everyone in the gym but never really had the dynamite build.

    Hopefully that might give some insight to what i'm looking for.. i appreciate your responses!


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you are after fat loss I suggest you start on about 2IU and work your way up if fat loss benefits aren't satisfactory, but I imagine you won't need anymore than 3 - 4IU daily if you are afer shedding some fat.

    I wouldn't bother with deca , it will bloat you and make you look fat which is the opposite of what you want to look like. I would also stay away from AAS such as enanthate and cypionate as these compounds will also bloat you. I would use something like prop or suspension which will deliver some muscle gains without too much water retention so be carefull with what AAS you use.

    Best of luck.


  5. #5
    bigkeane's Avatar
    bigkeane is offline New Member
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    now when it comes to the peg mgf and the lr3igf-1....

    up to 100 mcg bilateral of lr3igf-1? should i ramp up to this dose? the reason i ask is that I've heard of guys getting pretty bad headaches with anything from 60mcg and above.

    Second the peg mgf. Now I'm not sure if you guys support the pegylation of the mgf, at least from what I've read Mr. Roberts doesn't agree with it. I'm just wondering what i should do if this is the only form available for myself...
    From what i've read i really can't see what would be wrong with a long lasting mgf..

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigkeane View Post
    up to 100 mcg bilateral of lr3igf-1?
    100mcg is considered a high dose.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigkeane View Post
    should i ramp up to this dose? the reason i ask is that I've heard of guys getting pretty bad headaches with anything from 60mcg and above.
    Start on about 40mcg p/day and increase the dose if necessary, everybody is different.


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