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  1. #1
    walmas is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    i have searched...

    I got my igf-1 lr3 today and it came with the igf-1 powder. An empty vial, and 10ml of sodium chloride inj.

    I thought I needed aa or somthing to properly reconstitute it?
    Also, i recieved NO instructions. But iv searched for a long time and found the instructions somone posted, they say to dilute using 2-3ml of the water provided. But people's post say to use only aa. What do I do? thanks.

  2. #2
    walmas is offline New Member
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    Sep 2007
    ok....I see that the sodium chloride is for dilute, like BW would be used for.
    Not for reconstitution.
    So if someone would still please help me....I know there is a post on how to use white vinager, Is this a good method? Will it preserve the igf-1?

  3. #3
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by walmas View Post
    ok....I see that the sodium chloride is for dilute, like BW would be used for.
    Not for reconstitution.
    So if someone would still please help me....I know there is a post on how to use white vinager, Is this a good method? Will it preserve the igf-1?

    it will keep longer in aa.

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