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Thread: T3 doses

  1. #1
    big an rich's Avatar
    big an rich is offline Associate Member
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    T3 doses


    I read that T3 should be ramped up and down again (Anabolics 2006), Gear says you don't have to. Not saying you're wrong buddy just wondering why?

    Also I'm absolutely terrified of using it!! I'm on HGH now, 2iu, to be ramped up to 5-6. I appreciate I will need T3/4 but am a proper softy about it, done all sorts including most hard drugs but that scares me. I have 100 25mcg tabs stashed away that I've never used, will it be good to take at 12.5mcg ED for 4 weeks on then 4 off etc etc?

    Gear, any advice, you're the man for this stuff and I hope you don't think I'm questioning you above.

  2. #2
    guinho's Avatar
    guinho is offline Junior Member
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    with T3 you dont need to cycle 4 on and 4 off.. take t3/4 with all cycle of hgh.. and you only need to up the dose if you want. not need to down. are studies that show people that take t3 very long time and recovered without problems.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    William Llewellyn is quite an expert in this field, but IMO there is no need to keep on modifying the dose when using T3. There is definitely a lack of studies conducted when it comes to this so it's going to be hard to give you an accurate answer, however I will tell you what I believe.

    You see, there is a certain amount of T3 that your body produces, and to be quite exact, your body produces about 20% of T3 while it produces approx 80% of T4. This means your body needs a certain amount of T3 and T4 to function properly, and since it needs a certain amount of T3, I'm wondering why one would want to keep on increasing and decreasing the T3 dose instead of sticking to the required amount?

    The only time it may be necessary to up/down the dose is if you have never used T3 and are experiencing with different doses hoping to find the right dose for you. Also, if you were to run into side effects which could not be managed then I guess that would be another time where the user would need to up/down the dose in order to eliminate those particular sides. So I guess William L is correct in a way but once you have discovered the right dose which deliveres minimum side effects and maximum benefits there is no need to further keep on modifying that dose.

    I have used T3 in the past and always at doses between 12.5 - 25mcg p/day. I've used that much T3 for months without breaks and never had problems, but without studies it would be quite difficult to outline a safe cycle period.

    T3 can certainly be used with HGH but you are better of using T4 since HGH will lower your natural T4.

    Back to increasing/decreasing the T3 dose, I would say William L is also right because there are definitely times where the dose needs to be changed, but there is also a time where the dose should stay as is and that's where I believe I am right.

    Hope that helped.


  4. #4
    Mutation's Avatar
    Mutation is offline Junior Member
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    T3 is a tricky drug. You do have to find the dose that is right for you. When I use t3 I tend to burn more muscle than fat, so I try to stay away from it unless it is absolutly necessary for the few weeks leading upto competition. Even then I stay at 12.5mcg. Without anabolics...forget about it.

  5. #5
    big an rich's Avatar
    big an rich is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Guinho, Gear and mutation.

    Gear I appreciate the length at which you replied to my question.

    Mutation, I believe what you say is true in that you can burn muscle, not what I want at all. I don't intend to run any AAS with this cycle, I don't see the long term benefit of them. As I am on HGH will that not offset the muscle wasting potential of the T3 at a low dose? Will the dose I use have a level where it stimulates my thyroid so much that I lose muscle even at 12.5 mcg?

    If this is that case I would perhaps consider taking and oral anabolic , purely to prevent wastage. Would 20mg of Dbol help here (I guess you'll be thinking 40mg and some test?)

  6. #6
    Mutation's Avatar
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    The anabolics help, and so does a good diet, but in the end it all comes down to how your body reacts to the drug.

    For example, last year I added 25mcg/t3 in with my competition diet about 6 weeks out. I was using a good amount of stong anabolics, had a good diet, cardio wasnt too high...yet I still lost good muscle. It happends every time I add t3 matter what dose, or what else I am using. This year I doubt I will be using it, unless it's my last option.

  7. #7
    Sir Foxx's Avatar
    Sir Foxx is offline New Member
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    What is the prevailing current view on taking it all at once/daily or splitting up T3 throughout the day?

  8. #8
    Mutation's Avatar
    Mutation is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Foxx View Post
    What is the prevailing current view on taking it all at once/daily or splitting up T3 throughout the day?

    No need to split it up. It has a long half life.

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