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  1. #1
    fozy is offline Junior Member
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    Started HGH after being on HRT for 3 years and going off (second run)

    I ran HGH 2 years back for a year at 3 IU's a day and leaned out a TON. Loved the stuff. Well I h ave a bunch left over ( take me through 7 months a 2IU)

    Today I took 1IU and Im going to ramp to to 2 IU and stay there. This is more of a bridge with the bennifefit of some fat loss.

    Here is my simple question last time I ran 1.5 IU am and 1.5 PM

    If im doing 2 IU a day should I just do it all in 1 shot in the AM or do 1IU Am and 1 IU PM. Whats the better route.

    I also have leftover Avandia. When is the best time to take this. ( I didn't use it last time around)

    thanks in advance Foz
    Last edited by fozy; 07-22-2009 at 01:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    The general conseses is that 2iu or less to take it all in one shot first thing in the am.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    why would you take avandia? are you perscribed it? if not go get some humalog instead
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  4. #4
    fozy is offline Junior Member
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    I just have some on hand that I didnt use with my last run with hgh. Glucophage killed my stomach so I got the avianda and never used it. All set with insulin to scared ill end up in a coma.

  5. #5
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    I would just take your 2IU's first thing when you wake up. That is going to keep your pituitary running as well as it will to give you what it still has to offer, and will give you all of the benefits that HGH in HRT fashion has to offer.

    As far as the Avandia, personally I would toss it. It has fallen out of favor among many doctors ... too much data floating around the medical community pointing to a potential link to some heart complications with use of any significant length of time. I actually had a prescription for it and disposed of a 3 month supply after some medical journals raised the red flag and talking with some of my diabetic doctor friends. Thank goodness I hadn't used more of it ... I was using insulin instead at the time. It seems that a few of our wonder-drugs have come under fire of late. Avandia, Vytorin, and a few others seem to have some problems associated with them. Until the allocations against them have been proven false, I wouldn't risk my long-term health. For all Glucophage's potential unpleasant gastric anomalies, it has stood the test as far as safety ... as long as you keep an eye on liver enzymes and the like and don't stress your liver.

    If you are otherwise healthy (not diabetic), and you either fast for a couple of hours around injection time or eat a protein/healthy fat meal, chances are you aren't going to have to worry about your BG levels anyway. Given the choice though, I would take my chances with a couple IU's of insulin over long term use of Avandia. Just to keep your bg levels in check with HGH use, you aren't talking about a very significant amount of insulin. If I were to inject 20-30 IU's of insulin, I would certainly run the risk of feeling really cruddy, really fast. On the other hand, taking 3-4-5-6 IU's of insulin to bring by BG level back to normal after using HGH certainly isn't going to do much unless I am on the fringe of hypoglycemia all of the time anyway. Just be smart, stay alert, and monitor what is happening and you won't have any problems

    If you go that route, monitor your BG levels a couple of times for the few hours after your HGH injection and see what they are doing in general. If they are soaring a bit in the uncomfortable zone, add a couple if IU's of insulin to the mix ... and after monitoring for several more days, bump it up one IU at a time until things look good. There is a difference in using insulin like this for simple BG control and using it to load up your muscles with glycogen.

    Within the scope of what you are proposing to do, your doctor isn't going to see any red flags with respect to your blood panels with HGH and keeping your BG levels in check.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 07-22-2008 at 04:09 PM.

  6. #6
    fozy is offline Junior Member
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    thanks baron, think i'm going to go with 2IU's in the AM and not use insulin . Ill just make sure I have a empty stomach....'

  7. #7
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    you should see some fat loss over time with that dose but if you want muscle gains you'll have to raise that dose. good luck and let us know how it works out for you.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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