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Thread: HGH 1st cycle

  1. #1
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    HGH 1st cycle

    just a few things i wanna know if anyone can help,

    how much water do u put in the vial to mix, some say 8 some say 10?? i using 8 so getting 8iu out of the bottle, is that right?

    is there a big diffrence taking at night instead of first thing in the morning??

    its all legit too


  2. #2
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    First and foremost do yourself a huge favor and spend some time reading on this site. There is a wealth of information at your finger tips. With that said we need more info on what you are working with. Blue tops? Most vials contain 10iu of HGH in a puck form. I add 1cc of BAC water to the vial. That way each .1cc = 1iu of GH. GH is best taken first thing in the morning. I am currently doing 4iu/day. I do 2iu at 5am when I get up and another 2iu at 1pm.

  3. #3
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    yeh i had a read but couldnt find what ppl was mixing it too

    im doing blue tops nomadlab , im taking as soon as i wake up, 4ius

    been 9 days now, i dont get the tiredness? but i usually wake late and now im up earlier but im wide awake and feel fresh! is that anything to do with gh?

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    exactly how many ius of hgh are in each vial? if its 10ius then you add 1ml of water and every 10 clicks on the 1cc insulin syringe will be 1iu
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    10 ius in each

    i dont get any sleepiness at all??

    is that a sign somethings wrong?

  6. #6
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyboyleeds View Post
    10 ius in each

    i dont get any sleepiness at all??

    is that a sign somethings wrong?
    I saw that you're injecting 4ius/day and not getting "sleepiness at all"... you could be doing just right. However, I would like to know if you're experiencing the other side effects such as, mild soreness (every now and then) on the joints (shoulder and/or knees), brief numbness on wrists and hands, above all, deep and resting sleep --this has been the most beneficial in my case todate, etc.

    If you're not experiencing these "good side effects" of gH then it could be that you're not injecting enough of it, besides the typical "sleepiness syndrome," which usually lasts within the first few weeks of starting cycle. More important than that, it could be that you're not injectin it properly, from experience I can tell you this... or that you're not composing the gH well, worst --don't mean to scare you on this one-- but it might be damaged by it not being kept properly refrigerated... [insert here any other reasons why it is not working for you]...etc.

  7. #7
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    i get the deep and restfull sleep

    and when i wake up im actully wide awake and not groggy in the slightest which isnt like me

    i ached alot last night on legs, after id done cardio, i felt as if i sweated miles more than i normally do??

    no dead hands tho??
    my fridge is fine for it, always feels nice n cool??

    im 23 isnt 4 ius enough?

  8. #8
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    weird thing is my mate is on the same bottle we share the ius daily, hes getting knackered in the afternoon, im not, hes 21 im 23

  9. #9
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Everyone responds differently. I NEVER ONCE became lathargic running HGH in my 10 yrs of its use. My normal doses range from 6 iu's -15 iu's per day.

    Just because you aren't getting the internet "sky is falling" side efffects, doesn't mean it isn't working.

    Further, no matter how you inject HGH it's getting in your system, EVEN if you inject into fat deposits by accident.

  10. #10
    dannyboyleeds is offline New Member
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    thanks pinnacle

    im usually up by 10.30 but last 2 days im bang awake at 8 30, is that a normal thing, is it my sleep been more deep so my bodys saying get up!! after 9 hours?

    sorry to ask, its just all so new to me!

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