So here's the deal guys.

I am about to purchase a bunch of red tops. I am currently in week 7 of a 16week of 750test e 600eq(know this compound is controversial about whether is does jack shit or not, but decided to give it a go.), and just stopped taking adrol that I was running at 100mg a day week 1-6.

I am planning on taking 2iu's of thanktropin on a 5 day on/ 2 day off protocol at the beginning of week 8 of my cycle. I will continue running the 2ius all the way through my cycle. Then when I get back on my cruise dose of 250mgs a week after my cycle ends, I was planning on running 4ius a day and keeping it there all the way through my prime and into my next cycle. (I figured the GH would help me get leaner faster and retain more mass through my next prime)

a few questions now.

-Would it be alright to up my dose from 2iu to 4iu at the start of my prime, or should I run 2iu throughout this cycle and my next prime, then bump in to 4iu at the start of my next cycle?

-I know 8-10iu is best for growth but I can't afford to run that amount right now, what could I expect from 2iu? and from 4 iu? (being that I am 24)
