Thinking to cycle glucophage for 6 to 8 weeks ( MAX ) , what do u guys think ??
For those who dont allready know me , im 22 years old , i was a fat but i started my transformation plan last april 2008 ( and yes in less than a month and ill be wrapping up my first year of the transformation journey ) ,since i started ive allready lost about 72pounds of fat and gained somewhere around 25 pounds of muscles , but i still have my belly fat which is so ****ing hard to get rid of im really finding it difficult to lose this fat im really depressed ive been having sleeping disorders for the past month or so !!!! anyway , my goal is not to bulk it never was to bulk my goal is to be fit and have lean muscle mass and i was thinking to cycle Glucophage cuz it will help me put a little bit of extra muscle that i want badly plus a guy told me that it will help me lose the fat especially around the belly area .

So please guys i need ur advice ( im making cardio exercises , trisets at the gym and a good diet almost no fats and very little amounts of carbs around 30g a day max ) i wanna know how to properly cycle glucophage to get that extra muscle mass i want , the dose , what to eat etc......

Thanks you guys i really need ur help