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  1. #1
    ValentineA is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    CJC-1295 with DAC or without DAC?For women?

    Im 24 years old girl, been lifting since i was 17 years old. Ive already tried ph/aas before.

    Im thinking to buy CJC-1295. But i still confuse about the differences between cjc-1295 with dac and without dac?

    Here is the link
    cjc-1295 with dac http://www.**********

    cjc-1295 without dac

    I can see that without dac is cheaper than with dac. I dont know if dac in cjc-1295 is important or not. Anyone can help me?

    What is the best dosage cjc-1295 in woman? im thinking to buy 20vials(1vials=2mg). i read that it will give a good result if do injection twice a week.


  2. #2
    Deep_Fried is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    DAC is the "Drug Affinity Complex".

    Real CJC-1295 is called DAC-GRF or DAC-GHRH. The DAC is basically a complex of lysine/maleimodopropionic acid that is linked to the 29th position of GRF 1-29. This allows it to bind to albumin and extend the halflife to 5-8 days.

    GRF 1-29 without the DAC is just a tetrasubstituted version of plain GRF 1-29 sometimes refered to as modified CJC.

    Modified CJC or Dac-less CJC is just TSubed GRF 1-29(4 amino substitutions) . Halflife is about a couple of hours and needs to be dosed multiple times per day.

    Sermorelin or plain GRF 1-29 without the 4 amino substitutions has a life of a few minutes and is the least effective GHRH analog.

    Note: Most CJC is in fact tetrasubstituted GRF 1-29. The reason is that many peptide synthesizers cannot make the DAC as it is synthesized seperately outside the scope of standard solid or liquid phase peptide synthesizers. Many sources do not have access to this and pass off the final product as CJC to their distributors.

    Best way to check for the real CJC is to see a COA depicting the complete compound, especially the Lysine/MPA complex. Still, Tsubed GRF has been passed off with COAs depicting CJC, so the final bet is to make note of the molecular weight.

    GHRH Molecular Weights:

    CJC-1295 is about 3647.17 **
    Lysine + the DAC alone is about 280.29 **
    Modified or tetra-substituted GRF(1-29) is about 3366.88 +/- 2
    Unmodified GRF(1-29) or Sermorelin is about 3357.9

  3. #3
    ValentineA is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Deep_Fried View Post
    DAC is the "Drug Affinity Complex".

    Real CJC-1295 is called DAC-GRF or DAC-GHRH. The DAC is basically a complex of lysine/maleimodopropionic acid that is linked to the 29th position of GRF 1-29. This allows it to bind to albumin and extend the halflife to 5-8 days.

    GRF 1-29 without the DAC is just a tetrasubstituted version of plain GRF 1-29 sometimes refered to as modified CJC.

    Modified CJC or Dac-less CJC is just TSubed GRF 1-29(4 amino substitutions) . Halflife is about a couple of hours and needs to be dosed multiple times per day.

    Sermorelin or plain GRF 1-29 without the 4 amino substitutions has a life of a few minutes and is the least effective GHRH analog.

    Note: Most CJC is in fact tetrasubstituted GRF 1-29. The reason is that many peptide synthesizers cannot make the DAC as it is synthesized seperately outside the scope of standard solid or liquid phase peptide synthesizers. Many sources do not have access to this and pass off the final product as CJC to their distributors.

    Best way to check for the real CJC is to see a COA depicting the complete compound, especially the Lysine/MPA complex. Still, Tsubed GRF has been passed off with COAs depicting CJC, so the final bet is to make note of the molecular weight.

    GHRH Molecular Weights:

    CJC-1295 is about 3647.17 **
    Lysine + the DAC alone is about 280.29 **
    Modified or tetra-substituted GRF(1-29) is about 3366.88 +/- 2
    Unmodified GRF(1-29) or Sermorelin is about 3357.9
    Thank you very much for your information,
    Do you have any recommended website which sell a good cjc-1295 with dac?
    I've found cjc-1195 with dac, here is the link http://www.**********
    Can I trust this one?
    Last edited by ValentineA; 03-23-2009 at 09:50 PM.

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