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  1. #1
    LittleBitch is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007

    I broke my Arm.... HGH to speed healing?

    I participate in Muay Thai competition. I broke my arm in a fight. Currently have a plate holding the ulna (one of the forearm bones) together. Taking forever, itching to get back into the ring but don't want to risk ****ing it up a second time.

    So... anyone know much about what I can do/use / how effective it is at speeding up the time it takes my bone to heal?

  2. #2
    LittleBitch is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2007
    Anyone? Let me know if you need more info / if I'm being too vague / if I'm asking the wrong questions / etc etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    There are a few things you can do to promote an environment to speed up the process ... no magic bullets, but they will all help none the less.

    First there are the supplements like Ethical Nutrients Bone Builder and the like. They contain MCHC (a whole bone concentrate), calcium, Magnesium, phosphorus, boron, vitamin D, silica, zinc, and a whole bunch of essential minerals to promote a fast healing break. In general, you want to be taking really healthy doses of all of these minerals that are involved with bone health. If you have the ability to, you could ask to add a statin (as in cholesterol med). Believe it or not, it actually has a side benefit of pumping minerals into the bones and assisting in bone strength. HGH works a little differently, but it does increase bone metabolism and some other nice things that would likely help , and in general terms it promotes healing.

    I helped an older friend who had completely shattered their Fibula, broke the tibia in several places, broke and dislocated the calcaneus, and in general had torn some ligaments and really made for themselves a bad pronosis of healing well at all, ever. Age and general disposition to bone strength were against them, decreasing the odds of healing as well. It really looked like bone grafts were in order to close up the fibula at all, after plates and screws left so many areas of concern, and they didn't seem to be in any great hurry to close up and heal. The The above discussed plan of attack actually worked, and left a bunch of really talented doctors impressed as heck with the healing without additional surgery or intervention.

    I would say to give it a try ... while as mentioned it is no silver bullet, I know it will promote about as fast a healing as is possible. Your body's own internal clock will dictate healing beyond that. Just give it absolutely everything it could ask for to rebuild itself and hopefully it will do the rest in short order. Good luck with your recovery and getting back to your sport. I know too well the frustration of healing time. Best of luck.

  4. #4
    Swiggy's Avatar
    Swiggy is offline Associate Member
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    the problem with this is if you are just starting now it will take 2 to 3 months for the hgh to load in your body and raise your igf levels, so basically by the time it heals the hgh will start to help at that point. with the injury you have it cant hurt but im not a doctor.

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