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  1. #1
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    HGH and Hyperglycemia

    so just started my green top HGH cycle about a wk ago. and after reading about insulin resistance i went and bought a blood glucose monitoring system. after i worked out and had a protein shake this morning my BG was at 100. this afternoon it was at 119. and just now it was at 228! i did eat a couple slices of pizza and had 2 cokes cause we had my kids 1st Bday here tonight so i had to cheat. anyways the 228 is bothering me quit a bit and i dont think that it should be that high even with the cheat meal. I was hoping somebody here would have some pointers to throw at me. i have some LR3 in my frig. would that help transport some of the glucose out of my blood? i would like to try some things here at home before going to the doc. any help would be greatly appreciated cause i would like to keep my vision and feet.

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    o yeah here are my stats-
    7 or 8 AAS cycles
    on my 3rd week @400mg test C
    HGH cycles
    was on it for around a year about a year ago from 4-7iu
    this week-started at 4iu a day to get a feel on how good my green are. the head aches are killing me so im going back to 2iu for a wk or 2

  3. #3
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    i c u down there Redbaron. any help would be awesome dude

  4. #4
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    To be honest, things sound pretty normal at the moment. Your morning readings were well within reason, and if those cokes were full sugar, as well as pizza (which is pretty brutal on the BG front anyway), I would expect a reading of 200'ish for a while. The tale-tell will be whether or not that 200'ish reading holds for a long period of time. After 2-3 hours after processing all that sugar, things should start to drop back down. The marker readings would be fasting in the morning, and then at the 2-3 hour mark after meals. If those are soaring consistently, then you've got problems.

    If you really are having consistent problems with 200 plus readings, then I would start by adding some GTF chromium, some K-rALA, and maybe even some cinnamon capsules. Unless you are really having big troubles, those couple of supps should get you back close to normal. If things get really stubborn, then it might be time to think about a glucose disposal agent ... but from the sounds of what you described, you're not there at this point.

    Best of luck on your cycle.

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    i thoroughly appreciate your response. for sh1ts and giggles would the LR3 help bring down my BG? also does the resistance subside after time provided i stay at the same dose for a while. in a perfect world i would like to get to 8iu ed. again i appreciate the speedy response.

  6. #6
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    I have used LR3 in the past as a reasonable glucose disposal agent. It should drop you down a bit if need be. Heavier duty than that would be something along the lines of glucophage. Over the course of time, your BG levels and insulin sensitivity should acheive a reasonable balance, unless you have an unfortunate tendency toward elevated BG, insulin resistance, or type II diabetes. Again, best of luck. Keep me posted on how it works out for you.

  7. #7
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    i will do. last year when i ran GH i didnt even think about BG levels. i thought that i was healthy and all i wanted was results and nothing else mattered. but in the last year ive had a kid and want to be around for her later. i bet theres dudes all over this board that would be concerned if they monitored their BG levels. ill let u know here in a couple hours what my fasting levels are.
    Last edited by peteroy01; 06-24-2009 at 10:42 PM.

  8. #8
    time 4 a *CHANGE*'s Avatar
    time 4 a *CHANGE* is offline Associate Member
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    what about taking metformin? if i am not mistaken metformin gets rid of all the excess glucose right?

  9. #9
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    Metformin is just glucophage under a different name ... There is Glucophage, Metformin, FortaMet, and a host of others ... all the same thing, and yep they are all glucose disposal agent and will get rid of a good deal (not necessarily all) of glucose running amok.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 06-25-2009 at 12:27 AM.

  10. #10
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    BG is 89 this morning. seems to be good so i guess i just cant be eating loads of crap food withouth getting a BG scare. appreciate it guys

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