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  1. #1
    JGTIV is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Proper dosage of GHRP2?

    So I just got my IGF-1LR3 (1mg)and GHRP-2 (5mg)in, and as expected they are in tiny little bottles, in crystal form. I also received 2 larger bottles of Bacteriostatic 30mL and 2 empty bottles. I was planning on injecting 100mcg/day 2xdaily. Once in the morning and once post work out.
    Lets talk about the IGF-1LR3:
    I have 1.0mg, from my math that would equal 20 doses at 50mcg or a 10day supply (2xdaily). I am a little unclear about the actual amount needed to dilute. It came with a 30ml bottle of Bacteriostatic. I was going to use 2cc's/injection. So a total of 4cc's/day at 10days would be 40cc's total.

    Talking about the GHRP-2:
    I have 5mg of GHRP-2 and I honestly am unsure how to properly dilute or dose this. The only thing I have seen is 100mcg/kilo. I am 80kilos so that would be 800mcg!!! That means the bottle would be gone in less than 6days. I am not comfortable dosing that much unless someone else can tell me definitively that is what I am suppose to do.
    If you could please shed some light or laugh at me, but point me in the right direction I would be greatly appreciative.
    A little help would go a long way here.

    Last edited by JGTIV; 07-16-2009 at 12:36 AM. Reason: Accurate question

  2. #2
    JGTIV is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Nothing, seriously?
    This is what I found from Red Baron. If you ctrl. f GHRP in this link you'll find a little exurb about it at 100mcg/day via sub-q. This is the only info I have been able to scrounge up and I am typically only called a dumb-ass in jest. If anyone can throw me a link or give advice on there dosage I would really appreciate it.
    My Guide to HGH for anyone interested

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