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  1. #1
    H_U_G_O is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation Please Need Help And Advise From Pro's

    hey, i would be grateful for each and everyone who will help me with this..
    i'm currently planning to take my first cycle i've done a 3 week research about what i'm going to take and i'm aware of the consequences and the side effects of the products... my 8 week cycle is:
    28 ml primobolan
    18 ml testoviron
    8 ml deca 200
    20 ml ilium stanabolic

    can i actualy include 3 tubes of GH genotropin (16 i.u each tube) with my 8 week cycle ? its the only cycle that i'm planning to take, would this be called a steroid abuse ? or would the side effects be greater on my body ? please advise me if what i'm taking is worth it and will make me look tonned...
    i'm 6'0, 90 kg, 12 % body fat..

    i know with my 8 week cycle i'm going to eat well, sleep well, reduce smoking,no drugs and no alcohol...

    any advise Pro's ?
    PS: all injectable

    thanks in advance
    True regards
    Last edited by H_U_G_O; 09-14-2009 at 03:51 AM. Reason: adding info

  2. #2
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Gh needs more time than 8 weeks to be effective.

  3. #3
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    U have about 2 wks worth of gh unless you are 50+yro and then u have 3 wks worth. Get more gh!

  4. #4
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You have 48 iu's of gh, your going to need at least 240 iu's to run 4 iu's/day 5 on 2off.

  5. #5
    H_U_G_O is offline Associate Member
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    Pateroy01 i'm 23 years old...
    guys i'm not on a gh cycle by itself, i wanted a push i need great results, so what i understand is i need about 6 tubes of GH or i need more ? and do i start it with the cycle that i have.. thanks again

  6. #6
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    save your money on the GH. you dont need to run it unless you are gonna run it for 6months. im a little over 2.5months in @ 8iu a day and am now just starting to get the visual results. what do you want out of GH anyways? and 6 tubes @ 16iu's a tube gives you 96iu and if you took 2iu(almost worthless at your age) you would only have enough for 48 days. just something to think about.

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klimax View Post
    Gh needs more time than 8 weeks to be effective.
    klimax... please eat some fat --- please.

    that might be like 2 % bf

    as for op... yep you need hlep with this... post what your end result of juicing and lifting would be - goals

  8. #8
    H_U_G_O is offline Associate Member
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    amcon i havent started the cycle yet, starting it on 1/10 but i wanted some advise to be honest i started working out 8 months ago, i lost about 30 kg and about 38 % body fat i ended now with 12 %, i was ok with the cycle that i posted, but a friend of mine told me if u take gh with them u will get a greater result (like baywatch bodies lol) i dnt want to get big i want to be tonned and ripped, for now since am on protiens i lift bench press (chest) around 100 kg 5 times and i know when i start the cycle ill be able to lift more.. what do u think amcon, would the cycle i posted be enough to make a diffrence in my body (ps i have some dead skin around the abs) sorry for not giving exact measures i still didnt check them out...

  9. #9
    H_U_G_O is offline Associate Member
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    peteroy01 i understand what you mean, so you suggest i just do this cycle without the help of 4 tubes of gh, i wont see any results ? and yes its pretty expensive the genotropin.. the cycle i posted is enough ? or need to add or remove stuff ? thx m8

  10. #10
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    you cant go wrong with a good'ol straight test cycle. im guessing that you've never used before so thats why i recommend test. you can bulk or cut with it(or any AAS). do you have your PCT lined up? if not, have everything you need before you take your 1st shot. yeah i know GH is expensive and why i was telling you to save you money and spend it on FOOD. it takes a lot of money to eat well.

  11. #11
    H_U_G_O is offline Associate Member
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    i'm so grateful for ur advise... and for the PCT i did some research and asked some people about it mainly i was told to get nolvadex , proviron , and clomid, ... but never told how to take them, and i'm doing some readings now to see whats the best ways and dosage and time to take the cycle that i posted i'm still not sure and i will not use it unless i take advise ... thanks again

  12. #12
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    no problem. if you havent already go to the PCT forum. there are very useful stickies there.

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