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  1. #1
    uncle_bingo is offline New Member
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    Thinking about Stopping HGH - Birthmark Growth!

    Well, I've been on HGH for 6 months now and I am starting to see a few birthmarks increase in size on my body. I was concerned it was skin cancer and my dermatologist said it was not cancer, just an irregular birthmark but it should be removed. I had it removed and noticed two new ones growing on my chest. I do not worship the sun, I am not fair skinned and skin cancer does NOT run in my family. My doctor told me that this new skin growth is usually a result from HGH.

    I have been following this HRT regimen for 6 months from a legit doctor, doing blood work every three months. I am 44 years old and I am currently taking the following hormones on a daily basis. This is what my anti aging doctor has prescribed for me.

    300 mg of test (oral/sublingual tablets from a compound pharmacy)
    2 IUs of HGH Omnitrope prior to bed
    30 MG of Thyroid Armour
    75 MG of DHEA
    75 MG of Pregnenalone

    I am not having great results with the HGH (see my stats below) and its costing me $750 per month for 2IUs per day excluding Sunday. Now I am seeing these birthmarks grow and am wondering if its really worth it. Has anyone else experienced birthmarks or unusual growths on their skin? Do you think I would be making a big mistake by stopping the HGH? Is the TEST and other hormones sufficient to keeping my bodyfat low and strength up? My doctor thinks so, but I wanted to get others advice.

    My progress is listed below:

    After 3 months my doctor had ran blood work and found that my HGH levels were high (390 was the number) and my body seems to be producing too much estrogen, so now my doctor has put me on 50 mg of progesterone.

    Well anyway, I have been following this HRT program for 6 months now and have seen very little results with fat loss and muscle gain. I work out religiously (weights and cardio) and I have a clean diet. What makes matters worse is that I am actually weaker in the gym. The poundages are substantially less that what I was lifting a year ago? Moreover, I am spending a good chunk on change ($750 per month) on the HGH and I was hoping for better results than this. While the money that I pay for the HGH wont break the bank for me, I was just wondering if my results are common or unusual?

    Prior to taking these drugs:
    My bodyweight was: 217 pounds
    My bodyfat was: 20%

    After 6 months:
    My bodyweight is: 223
    My bodyfat is: 15%
    Last edited by uncle_bingo; 10-15-2009 at 07:55 AM.

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    As much as u dont want to hear it, I bet u need help with your diet.

  3. #3
    uncle_bingo is offline New Member
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    My diet is clean. Besides, that was not my question!
    Last edited by uncle_bingo; 10-15-2009 at 08:23 AM.

  4. #4
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Do you think I would be making a big mistake by stopping the HGH? Is the TEST and other hormones sufficient to keeping my bodyfat low and strength up?

    I have been following this HRT program for 6 months now and have seen very little results with fat loss and muscle gain. I work out religiously (weights and cardio) and I have a clean diet. What makes matters worse is that I am actually weaker in the gym. The poundages are substantially less that what I was lifting a year ago? Moreover, I am spending a good chunk on change ($750 per month) on the HGH and I was hoping for better results than this. While the money that I pay for the HGH wont break the bank for me,I was just wondering if my results are common or unusual?

    looks like to me that was one of your question. you may have a clean diet but is it the correct diet for YOU?

    and i havent experienced any skin growths from GH use.

  5. #5
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I have been doing daily injections of HGH for the best part of a year. My skin has gotten more clear of spots, growths, etc.

    I currently take 2iu's day (generic Chinese blue top HGH) which cost me a little less than $90 month.

  6. #6
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    I have been doing daily injections of HGH for the best part of a year. My skin has gotten more clear of spots, growths, etc.

    I currently take 2iu's day (generic Chinese blue top HGH) which cost me a little less than $90 month.
    Should cost you less than 60,thats a little steep.

  7. #7
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    are you taking MT2?

  8. #8
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    You're stacking several potentially androgenic /anabolic substances. I am wondering how you can pin point HGH as the reason your birth mark is growing? I have been on HGH for almost a year and my skin looks great. I get compliments on how young I look. I'm 50 so I'll take anything that comes. LOL I've actually never heard of anyone growing birth marks. HGH stimulates the release of IGF-1 which is the real stuff that makes you grow. IGF is normally a IM growth producer.

    If you think it's the HGH then get off of it for a few weeks. At 2IU/ed you're not taking enough to grow anyways.

  9. #9
    chaffins2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose View Post
    Should cost you less than 60,thats a little steep.
    Where do you get your hgh? I have been looking around but the cheapest that I can find is $110 for 30iu. This is the blue cap from china aswell.

  10. #10
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    no talking about prices here. edit your post

  11. #11
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow no price discussions guys, on a side not I have been way out of the loop on the price of that stuff it seems. I have never heard of anything near that cheap.

  12. #12
    fossilfuel7's Avatar
    fossilfuel7 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaffins2 View Post
    Where do you get your hgh? I have been looking around but the cheapest that I can find is $110 for 30iu. This is the blue cap from china aswell.
    Same here. I'm sick of hearing about people getting legit blue tops for like a 1$ an iu.

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