Hello there. I took HGH a about 4 months ago and stopped as I got sick, laid off work etc. Now I'm back in the groove, I went back to the spot around my belly button where I'd pull the skin and try and shoot "under" the first layer in the "pocket" however all around my belly button is alot tougher than previosly. I actually used a clip to get a better grip and pull back. Is this normal, are there any better injection sites?

Also I have 30 Gauge 1/2 CC syringes, I figure to take 2x a day one in morning and one at night, and fill to the 15 unit level each time on the syringe. Correct level?

I'm 32, lift 4-5x per week, cardio 2-3x. Just doing this to look better and get more cut, no shows, comps etc. Any help would be appreciated.

I knew all this information when I was doing this previously, however just drawing a BIG blank on everything. Thank!!!