25 yrs old taking 4 iu hgh /day...along with test pro ,tren n winny n clen ...
n doing realy very intense n lengthy workout ..doing 2 hrs in morning n 2 hrs in evening

MY COACH IS FORCING ME TO STAY ON LOW CARB DIET ...he doesnt have any knowledge abt how to diet while on hgh ..infact he doesnt know anything abt HGh ..just taking my workout in traditional way n based on his experience..

i m eating 330 gms protein including 0 carb protein powders n chicken n eggs,, n carb only from 5 apples6-7 oranges n speenach n cabbage,,,is this diet ok OR SHOULD I INCREASE MY CARB???N DONT U GUYS THINK THAT I AM EATING TOO MUCH OF SUGA FROM FRUITS>>????