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  1. #1
    Kan123 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010

    Type 1 Diabetic learning to utilize insulin

    Hey guys,

    I am a juvenile onset, type 1 diabetic, and I have been for 14 years. I have a track record for being a 'model' diabetic with a very stable blood-sugar level, and diet.

    Within the last year or so, I have began to lift weights, and I have been having troubles achieving very much mass gain. I have been able to triple, and quadruple my weights in most exercises, but I haven't gained much weight (maybe a 3 pounds). My bodyfat has dropped slightly, but not much (I was already fairly lean before I started the gym)

    Recently I heard about people using insulin as an anabolic substance! - which I had never heard of before, and was fairly excited about. And since I take insulin daily, I figure, there must be a way for me to utilize the insulin I am using.

    Currently I take two types of insulin, Humulin N and Humalog.

    My injections look like this throughout the day:

    Morning: Humulin N, and Humalog before breakfast

    Lunch: Small amount of Humalog

    Dinner: Humalog

    Before Bed: Humulin N

    I eat roughly 6 small meals per day, with an average caloric intake of around 3500-4500.

    I workout in the morning, after I have breakfast and take both insulin's. How can I tweak my current insulin injections, and meal plan to get maximum results? I am willing to work through any suggestions, and see what you guys have to say.

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    What are your stats bro? I can't advise on insulin injections, but your calories are really high... Can you post up what you eat so I can take a look at it?
    90% of the time the reasons people don't grow is diet. You are in a special scenario though so I am not positive.

    DO you have a strong understanding about how insulin in the body works?

  3. #3
    Kan123 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    The calories may have been an overstatement, that is what I was eating when I was trying to bulk, but I still eat a fairly similiar amount...

    And yes, I have a fairly strong understanding of what insulin does in the body.

    I'm going to focus on including more complex carbs, and protein into my day.

    In the morning I will usually have a bowl of cereal, some fruit, a yogurt, and a protein shake

    For a snack at around 10am I will have some fruit and something with some solid carbs, that could be a sandwich or something similiar.

    Lunch ranges but it usually includes a lot of vegetables, meats and grain products, and often some mixed nuts...

    Snack at 2pm often is fairly small... But similar to a scaled down lunch with fruits and a granola bar or something similiar.

    Dinner is usually chicken and pasta, salmon or steak and potatoes and some steamed vegetables

    Snack before bed is a wide assortment of meats, leftover dinners and whatever is in the fridge... And a protein shake.

    I recently quit using "PVL's Mutant Mass" so I am not taking in as many calories as before, but even while using mutant mass, I had trouble gaining any weight.

    I am currently 152, 5'10 and I am not sure on the exact bodyfat percent, but it is pretty low. I am also 21 years old..
    Last edited by Kan123; 12-05-2010 at 04:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Apr 2008
    I'm going to pretend I didn't see that last part about your age...

    Your diet is what is holding you back my friend. Calories cannot be consumed by drinking a protein shake. Do this for me:
    1. Boil eggs, like 5 dozen of them. Eat 10 throughout the day, 5 at breakfast and the rest as snacks. Unless you have a cholesterol problem do not remove the yolks.
    2. Make a ton of rice. Most brown rice, and some white rice. White should be used after your workout, and after your workout shake.
    3. Find a topping you love to put on your rice (ketchup, bbq sauce, etc.) Put this on top of your rice to make it edible.
    4. Buy a lot of chicken breast. Make a bunch of it and chop it up into little squares to put in the rice.
    5. Buy all natural peanut or almond butter (ingredients should be: peanuts, and that's about it)
    6. Buy honey
    7. Buy some sort of high quality multi grain bread.
    8. Find some veggies you like
    9. Buy a bunch of yellowish green bananas
    10. Buy a lean red meat. Like lean ground beef for a hamburger or a lean steak. Actually it doesn't have to be that lean.

    Put it all together something like this:

    5 eggs, peanut butter honey and banana sandwich (I'm sure you can figure out how to make this)

    Snack 1
    two whole hard boiled eggs
    2 bananas

    Chicken and brown rice meal (eat a good amount of brown rice)

    Snack 2
    3 whole eggs
    2 bananas

    Workout (you do workout right?)
    pwo (post workout) shake

    8oz of lean beef
    banana peanut butter honey sandwich

    You will gain on this diet. Make sure you are working out regularly and doing things correctly. You will be banned because of your age. But if you post on this thread like 25 times you can send a private message. If you do this and send me a private message I will give you my email so I can continue to help you. Don't think about using gear yet. Just do as you are supposed to and eat and train and everything will come. You can really mess yourself up when you play with hormones.

    Ps. I was 5-9 and 125lbs 4 years ago (19). I don't use steroids . Get your workout program up and I will look at it. You can view threads once you are banned, just don't login.

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