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  1. #1
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Would a skinny BB want to be or become insulin resistant? hypothetical question

    If BB's want to take insulin for weight gain ( I am assuming ) then wouldn't a skinny BB want to be insulin resistant to gain?
    Obviously other than the complications/ramifications and other medical problems seen in diabetes. Just a hypothetical question I have been wondering about this.

    Is the type of insulin protocol BB's do to gain weight in any way related or similar to the weight gain seen from insulin resistance/diabetes.

    Would love to know "if" the two are along the same lines theoretically. THANKS!
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 12-06-2010 at 11:04 AM.

  2. #2
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    If the BB just wants to gain weight, I guess that would be one way of doing it. A BB wants to generate new muscle tissue via HGH as well as cause hypertrophy via AAS. Sugars provide energy to the muscles but it doesn't help build tissue. So the diet would still be the key factor in gaining BB weight and not just fat. For BB fat is a nasty word so I would sat insulin resistance, while it will help one gain weight, probably isn't the best solution for a skinny BB.

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If the BB just wants to gain weight, I guess that would be one way of doing it. A BB wants to generate new muscle tissue via HGH as well as cause hypertrophy via AAS. Sugars provide energy to the muscles but it doesn't help build tissue. So the diet would still be the key factor in gaining BB weight and not just fat. For BB fat is a nasty word so I would sat insulin resistance, while it will help one gain weight, probably isn't the best solution for a skinny BB.
    Oh ScotchGuard, I hope you know I realize not the best solution! But while reading the slin threads it came across my mind wondering if the chemistry is similar. One being a choice. And the other a condition. But with similar results or are they in fact 2 different things and just sound like they work the same way.

  4. #4
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    Slimmer - as you know I am far from expert on slin/diabetes but have been doing alot of reading here lately.

    My uneducated opinion is that a skinny BB would not want to be insulin resistant as insulin is what carries protein and glucose to our muscles resulting in hypertrophy. If the cells become resistant then the glucose and protein stay in the bloodstream, unused by the muscles that need them and therefor unable to grow. I think the weight gain results from the fact that the nutrients are not carried to or absorbed by the muscles that need them which results in overeating due to never feeling satiated.

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - I'm slowly trying to learn more about this.

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Thanks Sgt...I appreciate your input.

    Note: Perhaps my original question referring to a "skinny BB" was not a good analogy since nobody would purposely want to be insulin resistant. And I am not saying you said that either, Sgt.. Simply clarifying for my own sake!

    My question is more theoretical as in: are they the same as in, the outcome of someone who is insulin resistant gaining weight as compared to the BB who takes insulin to gain weight. Are they in fact the same chemically when it comes down to it.

  6. #6
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    My uneducated opinion is that a skinny BB would not want to be insulin resistant as insulin is what carries protein and glucose to our muscles resulting in hypertrophy. If the cells become resistant then the glucose and protein stay in the bloodstream, unused by the muscles that need them and therefor unable to grow. I think the weight gain results from the fact that the nutrients are not carried to or absorbed by the muscles that need them which results in overeating due to never feeling satiated.
    This theoretically sounds correct. But i honestly have no idea

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Thanks Vettewreck ....

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