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  1. #1
    ClawHammer is offline Junior Member
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    HGH injection/ WO timing

    I seem to be a little confused on this matter. It seems that the rest of the world has time to WO in the am...

    I understand the theory of the injection in the am to boost the natural overnight pulse but it also appears in most threads that people are taking thier injection and then do some sort of WO. Would I be wasting my time by taking my am injection but not working out until the evening?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    no, not at all, your fine doing tht

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    one reason for AM injection is to help blunt cortisol which is higher in the morning and this is desired

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClawHammer View Post
    I seem to be a little confused on this matter. It seems that the rest of the world has time to WO in the am...

    I understand the theory of the injection in the am to boost the natural overnight pulse but it also appears in most threads that people are taking thier injection and then do some sort of WO. Would I be wasting my time by taking my am injection but not working out until the evening?
    AM injection is to prevent interfering with the night time pulse. Because if you pin at bedtime when your pulse is highest then you could potentially mess with your natural pulse by having your own pulse start to depend on the synthetic gh thus potentially shutting down your own pulse. This is why people do not advise to pin in the PM so they instead choose to pun in the AM.

    I am not so sure about it extending the nighttime pulse as mentioned in your post.

    And if you are under 30 then hgh is not a good idea at all.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 01-13-2011 at 05:50 PM.

  5. #5
    ClawHammer is offline Junior Member
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    I thought I just read somewhere that it was basically an extention to the bigger pulse that happens over night thats all.


    oh and I am over 30

  6. #6
    ClawHammer is offline Junior Member
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    after so much reading some of it tends to blend together... HA

  7. #7
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Just remember that the whole not injecting at bedtime rule is purely a theory based on message board bro-science.

  8. #8
    ramacher's Avatar
    ramacher is offline Member
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    do you add what you take synthetically and what you make naturally? So lets say you take 3IU in the morning and produce 1IU when you sleep, can you add those up, or does the synthetic cancel out the natural gh?

  9. #9
    JoeUga07's Avatar
    JoeUga07 is offline Junior Member
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    Id like to know that too ramacher. Ive researched hgh a lot and have never read that use stops the bodys production like AS will with the bodys natural test production. If im not mistaken though, I think what u r doing w hgh is actually causing the pit gland to release more, not substitute it. This reasoning inclines me to say it will not, but thats ONLY A GUESS!!! Please someone chime in and let me know if I am correct or not...I know Id like to know and imagine ramacher would too. thanks in advance

  10. #10
    ClawHammer is offline Junior Member
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    maybe you guys should try creating a different thread that is directed more to your question???

  11. #11
    LeanGreenMachine is offline Junior Member
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    I used to pin 4IU early morning because of the points made earlier. Now I pin 100mch CJC-1295 (no DAC) + 100mcg GHRP-6, and 2IU HGH 15 min after 2x day - First thing in the am and pre-bed. The peptides actually help my nocturnal pulse and my body never recognizes the synthetic GH from the natural GH released from the peptide induced pulse.

    Your Piutitary pluses GH every 3 hours all day but the nocturnal pulse just after midnight is the largest. So when you pin is irrelevent because you are going to create negative feedback for at least 1 natural pulse with the synthetic GH pin anyway.

    I like that term "bro-science"... LMFAO!

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