Thread: HELP> Nutropin and Sus 250/prop
03-09-2011, 02:25 AM #1New Member
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HELP> Nutropin and Sus 250/prop
25 yrs old, male.. 145 in DEC 2010....168 March 2011....
Taking HGH Nutropin and Sust 250
MY Question is about the HGH Nutropin.....
I started my cycle of HGH beginning of Jan 2011....Seeing GREAT results, I work out with a personal trainer friend so we are doing everyting correct, Recovery is great results are better than thought...i have had surgery on both shoulders they do not hurt in gym they hurt at night...
I have two friends on it with me....Me and roomate take 2 IU every other day....... Is this the correct dose? we also are taking Sust 250 one shot every ten days, mix in Prop in between..
I was new to all steroids until Jan of 2011...I did Prop every third day all of Jan...nothing in Feb, Just started the Sust 250 cyle in March first...
03-09-2011, 02:52 AM #2
It is clear you have no idea what you are doing and the people around you are not able to support you with proper decisions.
Stop your cycle and develop the idea to study the subject "PCT".
03-09-2011, 04:58 PM #3New Member
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That literally did not help me at all...
From what i read all day today....i conclued i should take the nutropin ED or 5 on 2 0ff and take in the morning not at night.......
as far as the PCT...obviously We have all looked into this but i can not get Arimidex anywhere or any PCT product so any more suggestions for me????
03-09-2011, 06:02 PM #4
You should have done your reading before you started injecting foreign compounds into your body without knowing what you're doing.
Many pct products can be bought through the site sponsor by clicking the link at the top of this page. You should have never started an AAS cycle without your pct ready.
IMO you should discontinue your cycle until you can better educate yourself about what you're doing. Start a thread in the pct forum (look for swifto) and list what you've taken so far and the dosages and hopefully you can get your HPTA to recover properly.
Stick around this forum and read and research a lot more. There's a lot of info you need to know before running these compounds that you obviously have no clue about.
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