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  1. #1
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002

    Taking IGF-1LR3 and HGH

    HI was using 5iu a day in morning and 50mcg morning and night 100mcg total, noticed my hands and my ankles and feet badly swollen each day, also got some hypoglycema after IGF shot, with my hands shaking pretty bad, have had before but regular eating fixed that but igf brought it back on.

    Is this common for people using this been on for about 2 weeks and have had a few days off, and will start again for a total of 4 weeks.
    Last edited by Chiselled; 03-22-2011 at 05:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002
    Anyone know

  3. #3
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    you started the hgh at 5ius? and your spliting the igf injects up?

    what are your stats?

    need this info before i can give an accurate answer

  4. #4
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002
    mate I am about 6ft 2 and weigh about 107kgs also I'd say under 10% bodyfat. first time igf but used hgh before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I don't know about hypoglycemia after IGF shots. I didn't know that IGF affected your sugar level. 5iu/ed HGH is a pretty high dosage to start. You should get sides like puffy fingers and sore joints. At least you know your HGH is good stuff. Go down to 3u/ed and stay there until your sides go away and increase 1iu every 10days or 2 weeks. You should take the IGF bilaterally into the worked muscles immediately after workout. More effective for your muscles.

  6. #6
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002
    Read the igf that i have been taking said to use subq but was doing normally intra but also a few subq, have had hypo before but with regular eating helped that problem, but definately brought it on as i was doing alot of cardio too

  7. #7
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2010
    read about igf and hgh, so you know that it does usually cause hypoglycemia!

    Oh and btw hypoglycemia has pretty much to do with sugar level. You need to inform yourself a bit more mate

  8. #8
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2010
    IM injection of IGF is helpful, if it is genuine, which is almost never the case

  9. #9
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2006
    IGF-1LR3 was debated to death about 4 years ago with many agreeing that the gains were poor if any at all but it was known to be a fair GDA (Glucose disposal agent ) hence the hypo you talk about . Search some old threads , i am sure a member called Pinnacle done some pretty decent research on the subject.

  10. #10
    Chiselled is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by amar7 View Post
    read about igf and hgh, so you know that it does usually cause hypoglycemia!

    Oh and btw hypoglycemia has pretty much to do with sugar level. You need to inform yourself a bit more mate
    btw i know and know about it just said it brought it on and pretty quick so i ate right after the shot, I read everything before I take was trying to see if others experienced the same thing, no use being over the top

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