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  1. #1
    XXrockstar is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    New to this forum, quick question

    I am new to this forum, member on several other forums as well, but I have a question regarding gh post workout.

    29 years old
    Training since 16
    No AAS cycles (one planned during the summer)
    15.45 percent bf
    Taking 8IU Elitropins ED (6 on/1 off) - Tested Blood pressure [okay]

    My question is right after training, I usually pin 4IU of gh. Usually (w/o gh) you would normally get your postworkout shake right in once your done but in my case since carbs blunt gh release what is the optimal amount of time it would take to gulp down my protein/carb shake?

    What I am currently doing is right after is 4IU gh, and then 10 grams of BCAA's ( I don't know if this particular BCAA product has any carbs/sugars but I feel okay when I take both right after. Then I usually wait 20-25 min for my protein/carb shake. I don't feel hypo, but the main reason is to get that high gh release, followed by a strong insulin release.

    Immediately PWO: 4IU GH and 10 grams BCAA's
    20-25 min later: Protein shake (50 grams Protein/36 grams Carbs)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The recommended amount of time to wait for consuming carbs after pinning GH is 60 min.

    Excessive carb consumption within 60min of pinning causes hyperglycemia not hypoglycemia. This is because GH suppresses insulin release and inhibits the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream. I don't think there's any immediate dangers really, but over time there is a risk off cells becoming insulin resistant and ultimately diabetes.

    Also, once you've been taking your GH consistently for a period of time, it has been show that IGF-1 levels remain constant throughout the course of the day. That makes taking your GH pwo pretty trivial. I'd probably take the 2nd 4iu later in the afternoon when cortisol levels tend to be high.

  3. #3
    XXrockstar is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Oh okay because I feel still normal, not hyperglycemic after consuming carbs after 25 min. The thing about the gh is I read its better to take when your glycogen levels are lower and thus the gh is absorbed by the body better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    It's not necessarily something you will feel, especially because you're only taking 36g of carbs - that's not exactly elevating your blood glucose level all that high. The main thing you want to avoid is eating excessive simple carbs that could really elevate glucose levels and cause a sharp insulin spike.

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