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Thread: gh bloat?

  1. #1
    chopper guy is offline New Member
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    gh bloat?

    Ive been on pharm grade gh for 6 weeks,gained 7 lbs getting hip pains and shoulders pains, started at 2ius for 4 weeks and been on 3ius for 2 weeks ed am sub q shots.When does the bloat go away?

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Depends on the person. For some asap. For me? never. But.....females react differently to gh.

    What is your current BF?

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    I always held a little bit more water when i was on hgh even with lots of cardio and being on the same dose for 4+ months. 7 pounds is a lot though. I would drop your dose back to 2 then go up after a month or so .5 ius every week.

  4. #4
    chopper guy is offline New Member
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    im at about 15% bf cardio 3x week lifting 4 days 35 yrs old 6ft 215lb high protein moderate carbs

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Try cutting back like bjpennn suggested. And then ramp up slowly so you get used to it maybe .5 units at a time.

  6. #6
    rocafella's Avatar
    rocafella is offline Associate Member
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    i had the same issue, i bloated like no one else, i dropped the dosage down, and started to slowly increase the dosage

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