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  1. #41
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    Or... You're still wrong... you just don't agree with us.

    There are two sides to this debate and your refusing to consider my side of your argument doesn't make me wrong.
    You not listening see post 28,

    We have been on the generic side for close to 10yrs thats why we know what we are talking about and you who hasn't done pharm grade and only been using generics for 2 yrs doesn't have enough experienced or understanding on the subject. You just dont want to admit it you could of been wasting all your money.

    Again, if you happy you carry on but I can see its pointless debating with someone like you when the signs are so clear yet your blind to read them, thats why I will leave you to your generics

    Best of luck.

  2. #42
    nilrac is offline Member
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    Why would professional athletes use HGH due to it being undetectable in testing if it was detectable via an igf blood test? As in, if there was a direct correlation/relationship between igf-1 level and hgh level they could draw a conclusion from that blood test on a professional level. Yes? No? For example IGF-1 blood test reading is sky high... so you are using HGH?

    I don't know much about HGH just now, but common sense, to me, based on IOC testing, would seem that any blood test is not an accurate way of ascertaining HGH level, therefore not an effective way of testing whether your generic HGH is good or not.

  3. #43
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    HGH is tested for and is detectable. Google "British Rugby player Terry Newton". He's the first victim of HGH testing and recently killed himself.

    Here's a link to a Sports Illustrated article from a year ago, "First positive test is at least a warning to other HGH users".

    Read more:
    Here an exerpt: "Without blood testing, not only is HGH detection essentially impossible, but none of the substances that enhance endurance can be detected. For example, certain types of blood transfusions and synthetic hemoglobin -- which allows blood to carry more oxygen -- can only be detected with blood tests. The bottom line is that if you aren't testing blood, then you aren't really trying when it comes to HGH and endurance-enhancing substances."

    Here's a list of some of the substances that the IOC has developed tests for: PEPTIDE HORMONES, MIMETICS AND ANALOGUES:
    ACTH, erythropoietin (EPO), hCG *, hGH, insulin , LH(1), clomiphene(1), cyclofenil (1), tamoxifen (1), aromatase inhibitors(1) (1) prohibited in males only

    The IOC does indeed test for HGH.

  4. #44
    nilrac is offline Member
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    A little off topic, but do the IOC test regular with blood or is it predominantly urine tests due to costs involved?
    Thanks for the info.

  5. #45
    nate1235 is offline New Member
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    Look i get the concerns about china, but was this thread started to find out the good and bad about china? NO!

    I started it with the hopes of getting a good educated thread on how the same product effects two people to comletely different ways. it helps show how this is a long comitted process.

    All i see is everyone comitted to a pissing match about china.
    I think its time we all get the moderators to get control of this. I used to come here to get sound reliable advise. now all i get is china good china bad regardless of the initial topic.

    If i asked the color of the rainbow would i get the answer depend on if you see it in china? then to have it spin into a heated debate on chinas fake color yellow.

    stay on topic! I get it we need to know all concerns. if its that important to you start a thread about the concerns of China. Wait there is one use it not mine.
    I love how nobody is even listening to you, lol. I've only been sifting through the HGH threads for a little while, but I have to agree that many of them get sidetracked on the pharm vs generics debate.

  6. #46
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    results differ, because the body is not always the same, so therefore there is not the same reaction to be expected in everyone aswell. there are plenty of different important things, like the level of insulin resistance, as long as the gh is genuine

  7. #47
    sgt2jay's Avatar
    sgt2jay is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i agree. it turns quickly into a pissing match. it seems all they want to do is try and prove they know more than the next guy. hopefully soon we can get back to facts and results based off their own expieiences. you will see many claims on both sides but rarely will you see fact to back it up.

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