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  1. #1
    ryduck1990 is offline New Member
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    Best way to use Gh to have higher IGF levels during workout

    What is the best method to having your IGF levels peaking while working out? 2-3 hours before working out?

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I recomend first thing in the morning and again afternoon.

    Avoid within an hour of eating, post workout, and before bed time (if your still young).

  3. #3
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    If you take your GH consistently for an extended period of time then IGF-1 levels will stay constantly elevated and it won't matter when you pin in relation to your workout.

  4. #4
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    HGH is a long term use compound. You use it for a while and you'll workout harder. Need to take 5iu/ed or so, if you want to see anabolic results. Your IGF level does peak about 45 minutes after you inject HGH. I just take HGH in the am as soon as I wake up. Been doing it for a while. Just added T4 about two months ago and WHAM the effects of the HGH is even more dramatic.

  5. #5
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    That's interesting, did you try T3 before, ScotchGuard and if so how does it compare to Thyroxin?

  6. #6
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    HGH is a long term use compound. You use it for a while and you'll workout harder. Need to take 5iu/ed or so, if you want to see anabolic results. Your IGF level does peak about 45 minutes after you inject HGH. I just take HGH in the am as soon as I wake up. Been doing it for a while. Just added T4 about two months ago and WHAM the effects of the HGH is even more dramatic.
    Can you elaborate on the "WHAM" effects? I'm assuming by adding the t4 fatloss has been kicked up a gear? How much t4 you taking?

  7. #7
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    K, I've been on 5iu/ed for two and a half years. Almost two years nine months. I've always been able to maintain a decent six pack on HGH even if my diet's crappy. I like my donuts, sweet rolls, sugar flake cereal, etc. If it wasn't for the constant training and HGH, I'd be a fatty. I got on T4 not T3. In my research T3 was much better taken with AAS because of the catabolic effects. I was planning to be off of my AAS cycle in 3 weeks and I wanted to maintain my HGH for a long time so I chose T4 over T3. When I started the T4 I also started clen /keto. I tried adex (.25mg/ed) during my last AAS cycle. I was impressed how "dry" my body looked. Tight and didn't hold any water even though I was taking Test Prop/Anavar /Deca . I've noticed that T4 and HGH is AWESOME at holding my body fat down. I ran clen/T4/keto for only 3 weeks. I went from 205lbs 12% bf to 205lbs 9% bf. That was four weeks ago and I'm still right about there. I've finished my PCT weeks ago and I'm still maintaining my lean look. Since I've finished PCT my body isn't as hard or pumped as when I was on AAS but the HGH/T4 really seems to be holding fat down. My diet's really crappy compared to the guys I'm reading about on this board. But I'm still able to maintain 10% or lower with HGH and T4.

  8. #8
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    What are your long term plans for your T4 - are you gonna run it indefinitely or cycle on/off? I know that it can be mildly suppressive to some people with healthy thyroid levels for short term but I'm curious about how it would affect people with healthy TSH over long term.

  9. #9
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    If it's not too overdosed, then it has no negative effect, even on people with healthy thyroid levels. I can't wait until I get some T4 at hand to give it a try and compare it myself to T3, as I have used it and it gives me the feeling of shit. after discontinuation I felt better within 2days, so I know that its the T3. Hope that it helps me with being lean without the annoying sides T3 give me, plus I am not taking roids now because of a contraindication of another drug I have to take now is corticosteroids...

    Are you sure that the use of T4 over T3 with HGH only avoids catabolism while giving you leanness?

  10. #10
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    Actually even low doses of T4 can suppress TSH in SOME people. In larger doses, it is extremely suppressive. Levothyroxine (synthetic T4) is prescribed to people with thyroid tumors in order to fully suppress TSH. To say that it has no negative effects at low doses is incorrect.

    I asked about the long term effects b/c I've been taking 100mcg for about 6 weeks now and the results have been fantastic and I'd like to stay on it. My thyroid function was perfect before starting it so I'll probably just get it tested every 6 weeks or so to make sure everything is still good. I would like to hear from anybody who's run it for an extended period of time?

    Good read on thyroid hormone + HGH
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 05-20-2011 at 04:59 PM.

  11. #11
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    I've read a study that had the patient on 100mcg/ed for over a year and when he came off of T4 his thyroid function returned to normal after a couple of weeks. I'm planning to run T4 for at least six months and see how I feel. Then I'll get off and get blood work done after 4 weeks. If my thyroid is normal then I'm going to cycle T4 with my HGH for a year and do the same test. I'm a big HGH fan. Now that I've been on T4/HGH I'm a big fan of the combo. It was marcus that pointed me towards T4. The HGH/T4 seems like a powerful combo.

  12. #12
    amar7 is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds good, what you say. That text on TH I know. It sounds fatastic and logical, but I learned that I rather depend on my experience, because no matter if Phd or what specialist had written it, the results can differ from theory and practise. But you have tried it with success, so I will give it a try and see.

    ps: I'm a fan of hgh too already, though I'm not long into it, just for healing my scar from an operation I had dezember last year, I already gave this up to heal.

  13. #13
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    K, I've been on 5iu/ed for two and a half years. Almost two years nine months. I've always been able to maintain a decent six pack on HGH even if my diet's crappy. I like my donuts, sweet rolls, sugar flake cereal, etc. If it wasn't for the constant training and HGH, I'd be a fatty. I got on T4 not T3. In my research T3 was much better taken with AAS because of the catabolic effects. I was planning to be off of my AAS cycle in 3 weeks and I wanted to maintain my HGH for a long time so I chose T4 over T3. When I started the T4 I also started clen/keto. I tried adex (.25mg/ed) during my last AAS cycle. I was impressed how "dry" my body looked. Tight and didn't hold any water even though I was taking Test Prop/Anavar/Deca. I've noticed that T4 and HGH is AWESOME at holding my body fat down. I ran clen/T4/keto for only 3 weeks. I went from 205lbs 12% bf to 205lbs 9% bf. That was four weeks ago and I'm still right about there. I've finished my PCT weeks ago and I'm still maintaining my lean look. Since I've finished PCT my body isn't as hard or pumped as when I was on AAS but the HGH/T4 really seems to be holding fat down. My diet's really crappy compared to the guys I'm reading about on this board. But I'm still able to maintain 10% or lower with HGH and T4.
    Thanks for the post Scotch. That's awesome that you were able to drop bf 3% while maintaining weight. What is even more impressive is that you were able to do this during PCT, as I normally drop quite a bit of weight. So the clen /t4 + HGH combo sounds very effective and I am now intriqued. I have some clen but might pickup some T4 to run alongside my peptides (ipa + mod Grf1-29)...I will also be off my AAS cycle in 5 weeks so my timing on taking these sounds similar to your situation.
    Last edited by M302_Imola; 05-24-2011 at 05:41 AM. Reason: spelling

  14. #14
    sgt2jay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    K, I've been on 5iu/ed for two and a half years. Almost two years nine months. I've always been able to maintain a decent six pack on HGH even if my diet's crappy. I like my donuts, sweet rolls, sugar flake cereal, etc. If it wasn't for the constant training and HGH, I'd be a fatty. I got on T4 not T3. In my research T3 was much better taken with AAS because of the catabolic effects. I was planning to be off of my AAS cycle in 3 weeks and I wanted to maintain my HGH for a long time so I chose T4 over T3. When I started the T4 I also started clen/keto. I tried adex (.25mg/ed) during my last AAS cycle. I was impressed how "dry" my body looked. Tight and didn't hold any water even though I was taking Test Prop/Anavar/Deca. I've noticed that T4 and HGH is AWESOME at holding my body fat down. I ran clen/T4/keto for only 3 weeks. I went from 205lbs 12% bf to 205lbs 9% bf. That was four weeks ago and I'm still right about there. I've finished my PCT weeks ago and I'm still maintaining my lean look. Since I've finished PCT my body isn't as hard or pumped as when I was on AAS but the HGH/T4 really seems to be holding fat down. My diet's really crappy compared to the guys I'm reading about on this board. But I'm still able to maintain 10% or lower with HGH and T4.
    scotch i have been debating on adding T4 my question is at what dosage. do you do 1 100mcg tab a day?

  15. #15
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    Yes, I just do 100mcg/ed. I've been doing an experiment with my body for the past 4 weeks. I'm on HGH + T4 only. I'm done with my cycle and and PCT. I've been eating my donuts, frosted flakes, drinking pop, eating ice cream, etc. for 4 weeks. My body fat has gone up but not as I expected. My abs near my belly button has more fat but my skin near the obliques are still thin. Hmmm, strange. I'm going on a 4 week tight eating regiment and see if I can lose the fat. With just the HGH I can lose such fat in 7 weeks of dieting. I'm wondering if I can lose it 4 weeks with HGH + T4.

  16. #16
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Yes, I just do 100mcg/ed. I've been doing an experiment with my body for the past 4 weeks. I'm on HGH + T4 only. I'm done with my cycle and and PCT. I've been eating my donuts, frosted flakes, drinking pop, eating ice cream, etc. for 4 weeks. My body fat has gone up but not as I expected. My abs near my belly button has more fat but my skin near the obliques are still thin. Hmmm, strange. I'm going on a 4 week tight eating regiment and see if I can lose the fat. With just the HGH I can lose such fat in 7 weeks of dieting. I'm wondering if I can lose it 4 weeks with HGH + T4.
    Interesting...keep us updated!

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