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  1. #1
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Getting the most out of my hgh

    After I finish a vial theres always a small amount of liquid remaining that I cant seem to draw out. Lately ive been adding a CC of water to 2 "empty" vials at a time and then drawing it back out of each one and combining that into a shot. Is this doing anything? Do you think that its worthwhile to do?

  2. #2
    X83's Avatar
    X83 is offline Member
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    I guess every little drop counts if you can get more out of the vial.

  3. #3
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    cool thats what i figured, thanks

  4. #4
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    I was wondering the same thing yesterday. Im going to try just popping the top off and sticking the needle down in there and sucking it all up and than injecting it into my next vial. Then ill draw again with a new sharp needle and inject

  5. #5
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    dont you need to turn it upside down to draw it out though?

  6. #6
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    no with the rubber stopper taken out of place I will stick the needle down in there and suck the rest out like a staw....

  7. #7
    BigMyke's Avatar
    BigMyke is offline Junior Member
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    I could be wrong but ive heard if it gets outside oxygen its no good anymore....if thats not true then im rippin the stopper out too!! Prob have thrown out a kits worth over the past 2 years...that last drop annoys the crap outta me,lol!!!

  8. #8
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It won't go bad as soon as the stopper is pulled, so rip out the stopper and get that last bit.

    Keep in mind the vial cannot be a vacume. As you pull out liquid, you either first injected the same volumn of air or the vial will suck air in through the tiny needle hole after you remove your pin. So oxygen gets into the vial every time you draw.

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